Human-Computer Interaction: An Empirical Research Perspective

Second Edition (2024)

I. Scott MacKenzie

York University

Last update: 12/10/2024

Text File Downloads | Spreadsheet Downloads | Other Downloads | Experiment Software | Statistics Software – GoStats | Power Point Slides | Errata | Contact

Web resources for the second edition of the book are posted here.

Table of Contents: click here.

Word cloud overview: click here.

You can purchase the book through the publisher, Elsevier, or through other vendors such as Indigo, Wordery, Amazon, or Google (eBook only). Online access is available via subscription through Science Direct.

♦ Text File Downloads

♦ Spreadsheet Downloads

Note: If using Firefox, download by right-clicking on the link and selecting "Save Link As...".

♦ Other Downloads

♦ Experiment Software

Many ready-to-go applications for running HCI experiments are presented in the book. There are Windows/Mac/linux applications and Android applications.

The Windows/Mac/linux applications are available as executable .jar files. They will run on any computer that can run Java applications. Generally, that means Windows, Mac OS, or linux machines. Each application exists in a single .jar file. The first time the app is launched, a few support files are extracted and placed in the same directory as the app. When using the apps, user performance data are collected for follow-on analyses. The data are saved in files in the same directory as the app. See the corresponding API for complete details.

Note: Since a .jar file is executable, your browser might popup a security warning. Don't worry, the apps are safe. They are offered simply to give you a jump-start on doing experimental research HCI.

If you want to extend or modify the applications in some way, no problem. Just contact me and I'll send you the latest source files.

The Android apps are available as "projects" for importing into Android Studio. After importing the project into Android Studio and creating a project, just connect your Android device in USB debugging mode and click "run". That's a bit of an oversimplification, perhaps. Some experience using Android Studio is needed.

♦ Windows / Mac / linux


♦ Android

♦ Statistics Software – GoStats

All the statistics tests in Chapter 6 (Hypothesis Testing) can be performed using GoStats. GoStats will run on any computer capable of running Java applications. To get started, follow the Quick Start instructions in the API.

Note: Since a .jar file is executable, your browser might popup a security warning. Don't worry, GoStats is safe. Its only purpose is to do statistical anslyses on a data file you specify.

The tests in Chapter 6 can be performed using other statistics applications. For reference, I've implemented each test in SPSS, R, MATLAB, Python, StatView, and Excel. To access these, click a link below to download the ZIP file for the desired tool. Unzip the files into a folder on your computer. Begin by reading the enclosed readme.txt file.

♦ Power Point Slides

♦ Errata

♦ Contact

Comments or questions? Please get in touch.

Happy experimenting,

Scott MacKenzie
email →
web →