Home » 2008 » January

All Mixed Up: Scrabulous and the Realpolitik of IP

In 2005, two brothers in Kolkata, India launched Scrabulous, an online implementation of the board game Scrabble. With a few thousand regular players, it wasn’t about to replace World of Warcraft in the annals of online gaming. But in 2007, they took the suggestion of a regular player and spent just ten days writing a […]

Europeans Crush “California Champagne”

Its not often that a small country like Belgium would have the bravado to take on the world's superpower. But earlier this year David literally crushed Goliath in a geographical indicators dispute between the old and new worlds. It was reported on January 10, 2008 that 3,200 bottles of André sparkling wine from California were […]

Is content blocking coming to Canada?

According to this story in the Globe and Mail, the music industry is keen on getting Internet service providers (ISPs) to block traffic for users who sharing copyrighted music files. Canadian ISPs like Bell and Rogers already shape traffic to some extent by limiting the amount of bandwidth available to file sharing (and you couldn't […]