Home » 2011 » April

Election 2011: Party Platforms on Digital Issues

Mark Kohras is a JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. It’s election season again, and Canada’s political parties are out in force, campaigning across the country. Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the recent attention IP and technology issues have been garnering among the Canadian public, most of the political parties have specifically included digital issues as […]

Vivienne Westwood Knocks Out Knock-Off

Leslie Chong is a JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. Following a judgment from the England and Wales Patent County Court, fashion designer Dame Vivienne Westwood successfully sued internet clothing provider Anthony Edward Knight for trademark and copyright infringement. The decision carefully detailed each of Westwood’s claims against Mr. Knight, which effectively shows how […]

World Intellectual Property Day 2011

Mark Kohras is a JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. This Tuesday, April 26th marks the 11th annual World Intellectual Property Day. The observance day was established by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in 2000 to “highlight the role and contribution of intellectual property in the economic, cultural and social development of all […]

"I AGREE": Informed Consent and the Ethics of Third Party Access to Game Player Data

Suzanne de Castell is the Professor of Curriculum and Instruction in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University and a Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Education, York University. How many users out there would click “I Agree” to play an online game if the meaning of that agreement was set out for them […]

Web 2.0 Companies in France Challenge Data Retention Law in Court

Matt Lonsdale is a JD candidate at Dalhousie University. A French government decree (English translation via Google Translate) dated February 25th requires online communication service providers to maintain detailed records on their users, including full names, addresses, telephone numbers and passwords. A number of affected organizations, including Google and Facebook, have come together as the French […]

A Frustrated Google “Stalks” Nortel Networks' Patent Portfolio

Dan Whalen is a JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. In a “stalking horse” bid, Google has offered US$900-million for the patent portfolio of fallen telecommunications giant Nortel Networks. Although Google has openly admitted that part of its motive is simply to deter lawsuits, the move has industry analysts marvelling at the extent of […]

LISTSERV E-mail Gets No Copyright

Leslie Chong is a JD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School. In the Stern v. Does decision, a Californian court held that a short (23-word) email message sent through the LISTERV system did not qualify for copyright protection. This lawsuit stemmed from an email which read: “Has anyone had a problem with White, Zuckerman… cpas […]

ventureLAB: Go-To Innovation Centre for Up-And-Coming York Region Businesses

A new Regional Innovation Centre has been launched to help up-and-coming York Region companies reach the next level of growth.  Called ventureLAB, the centre – which provides services at no-charge to qualified small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – is the go-to point for entrepreneurs looking to build world-class businesses.