Home » 2012 » February » 26

Patents for the Public Good

Patents for the Public Good

In September 2012, United States patent reform legislation goes into effect. (The “America Invents Act.” or AIA, Pub.L. No. 112–29; House Report No. 112–98 ,112TH Cong., 1ST Sess. 2011. Referenced as “Report.”) The Report states that the AIA was the first “comprehensive patent law reform in nearly 60 years.” The legislative process took six years […]

Reflections on the Harold G. Fox 2012 Canadian Intellectual Property Moot

Reflections on the Harold G. Fox 2012 Canadian Intellectual Property Moot

What an experience! Following months of intense preparation, the fourth annual Harold G. Fox Moot took place last weekend – much to the enjoyment and satisfied relief of all those involved. With the competition now behind us, the team has a few reflections and words of thanks to offer. This year’s moot problem centered on […]

Advocate-General’s Gumption Could Keep the ‘Fun’ in Computer Functions

Advocate-General’s Gumption Could Keep the ‘Fun’ in Computer Functions

Advocate-General of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), Yves Bot’s opinion at the end of last year, on SAS Institute Inc. v. World Programming Ltd., was based on the High Court of England and Wales’ preliminary judgment for the same case. Issued on 29 November 2011, Adv.-Gen. Bot focused on specific provisions of Directives 91/250/EEC […]