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Grooveshark Fails to Navigate DMCA Safe Harbor

The recently announced decision of the United States District Court in Manhattan, UMG v. Escape Media Group (Grooveshark), serves to further elucidate the terms on which service providers can expect legal protection if their users are found to be uploading infringing content. More importantly, it gives us an excellent example of the differences between the US […]

Getting Profits From Patents: An Interview with Ed Fan and Loreto Grimaldi

The course Legal Values: Commercializing Intellectual Property is being offered for the first time at Osgoode Hall Law School this winter term.  The IPilogue sat down with Adjunct Professors, Ed Fan (Torys LLP, Partner) and Loreto Grimaldi (MedAvail Technologies Inc., COO & General Counsel) to talk about this unique course. As the business world increasingly relies on an […]

Game of Thones - Piracy is Coming

TorrentFreak has reported that the first episode of HBO’s Game of Thrones season three broke historic download records, with more than a million as of April 1st, 2013. Canada ranked fourth internationally in terms of the highest number of TorrentFreak S3E1 downloads, representing 7.4% of total downloads at the time of reporting.

Commercialization Conference Videos

IP Osgoode and the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) would like to thank everyone who participated in our IP commercialization conference, entitled "Sparking Innovation With Students: Examining The Student Role From Invention To Commercialization". The conference examined the role of student researchers in commercializing IP and the different policies that have been adopted to provide for […]

The copyright claws come out in EU catwalk photo battle

Tout arrive en France, especially for folks following recent intellectual property news. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) released a key judgment in January in a case that pitted copyright against freedom of expression.

Bowman v. Monsanto and Patent Exhaustion: To Be, or Ought to Be?

More of a cautionary winter's tale than a midsummer night's dream, an Indiana farmer facing legal action from a certain biotech and chemical multinational behemoth recently reached the U.S. Supreme Court. The case is called Bowman v. Monsanto, and with all that hangs in the balance, a herbicide-resistant rose by any other name would, in […]