Deceiving the Canadian Consumer: A Thing of The Past?
Probably not – although, various efforts are being employed by the Canadian government to tackle the counterfeit products industry and protect the Canadian consumer.
Canada says no to counterfeiting: Microsoft Corporation v. PC Village
The dispute between Microsoft Corporation and the defendants, PC Village Markham, PC Village Downtown - two software retailers in the Greater Toronto Area - and two of their employees, Syed Aziz and Johnson Ye, arose because the defendants were selling counterfeit Microsoft software, "software that was neither manufactured by Microsoft nor by any of its […]
L’Oréal v. eBay: European courts rule eBay not liable for sales of counterfeit goods
It is no secret that counterfeit goods have been sold over the internet for years. Your relation to someone who has purchased some form of counterfeited good over the internet most probably follows the six degrees of separation rule. As a prominent source of the sale of counterfeit goods, U.S.-based eBay has been sued by […]