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fox moot

Osgoode Wins Best Factum, Takes 2nd Place at the 2016 Fox IP Moot

A preeminent Canadian artist named Ann Phibian. Her shaded-in line drawing of a leaping frog titled “50 Shades of Green” and the public domain painting it was based on titled “One Giant Leap”. A graphic designer named Baron Greenback. The problem for the 2016 annual Harold G. Fox Moot was packed with as many amphibious […]

Osgoode Takes Best Factum at the 2015 Fox Moot

What do cows, kangaroos, and frozen yogurt have in common? Leave it to Osgoode’s Harold G. Fox Intellectual Property Moot team to tell you the answer! On February 20 and 21, 2015, the 7th Annual Harold G. Fox Moot carried on the tradition of promoting education in the intellectual property field and providing students with […]

'Osgoode Style' Wins Big at 2013 Harold G. Fox Canadian Intellectual Property Moot

It is my pleasure to return to my editorial duties (sans a 007 title pun) for the IPilogue to bring a first hand account of the fifth annual Harold G. Fox Canadian Intellectual Property Moot. After months of grueling preparation, I am proud to report that the moot, while a resounding success all-around, was particularly […]