Supreme Court
Privacy and Proportionality: The Supreme Court finds Alberta Privacy Legislation Unconstitutional
Privacy legislation frequently pits the importance of safeguarding personal information against the constitutional protection of freedom of expression. In Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner) v United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 401 (“UFCW”), the Supreme Court of Canada ("SCC") has made an important statement about the permissible extent of privacy protection, and the importance of […]
Staying Abreast of an Isolating Issue: USSC to Rule on Patentability of Human Genes
On November 30, 2012 the US Supreme Court agreed to hear the appeal in the case of Association for Molecular Pathology v Myriad Genetics Inc. In particular, the Court limited its grant of the appeal to the first question posed by the petitioners: “Are human genes patentable?”
The Patentability of Gene Sequences: Myriad Genetics’ Day in the United States Supreme Court
In late March, The United States Supreme Court ordered the U.S Court of Appeal for the Federal Circuit to reconsider Myriad Genetics’ existing patent on two genes associated with a high risk of breast and ovarian cancer, in light of the judgement rendered in Mayo Collaborative Services v Prometheus Labs (Prometheus). A unanimous Supreme Court […]
Bilski Reaches the Supreme Court: A Summary of the Arguments
Alex Gloor is a JD Student at Osgoode Hall Law School The next step in the well documented Bilski case took place on Nov. 9 when the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments from both parties. As a quick reminder, the issue revolves around the patenting of business methods; in this case, the subject […]