This page contains resources meant to be shared and distributed through our networks, the legal community and justice spheres, community partners and educational bodies. Please do not share or reproduce without crediting the Winkler Institute for Dispute Resolution at Osgoode Hall Law School.
For reports on our work, please visit our website.
Partnership with Pro Bono Students Canada, Osgoode Chapter:
Stemming from community roundtables conducted with the Conciliation and Arbitration Board for Canada and the ADR Institute of Alberta, the Winkler Institute partnered with PBSC during the 2019–2020 and 2020–2021 academic years to create resources meant to inform and empower both ADR professional as well as the public.
The first of these resources is a database of primarily recent (2015 onwards) and Canadian-focused tools and published works spanning various categories and areas of practice in the field. It can be accessed here.
The second phase of this partnership was to create PLE (Public Legal Education) documents, based upon the resources contained in the database, that succinctly summarizing ADR from multiple perspectives so that potential litigants and parties to conflict can quickly and efficiently get a sense of the options that are available to them outside of the formal litigation system. These graphics can be downloaded as a set here.