New Journal: Oxford University Undergraduate Law Journal

New Journal: Oxford University Undergraduate Law Journal

The Oxford University Undergraduate Law Journal has recently published its inaugural edition. The Journal features submissions from undergraduates from the University of Oxford pertaining to the UK jurisdiction: this issue features a diverse array of articles, ranging from deportation to the family home.

The journal will be available exclusively online, both on HeinOnline's Law Journal Library and open-access on the web.

The Journal was founded with a view to facilitating and reinforcing the already strong academic ethos in the study of law at the University of Oxford. It has the aim of providing students a platform from which to explore legal topics pertaining to the UK jurisdiction which are germane to the Jurisprudence curriculum; encouraging and promoting excellence in learning, debate and independent thought. This is further reflected in the democratising ‘by the students, for the students’ set-up, upon which the Journal is based.

The Honorary Board features distinguished members of the legal profession, such as Lord Phillips, Lord Neuberger and Michael Mansfield QC. More information, as well as the current issue, is available on the Journal’s official website,