Exam Stress - Going to the dogs?

Exam Stress - Going to the dogs?

It's that time of year - the end-of-term paper-writing and exam crunch. And for many of you who are graduating this spring, you'll barely have time to catch your breath before launching headlong into your bar ads. In a nutshell, it's a crazy, busy, stressful whirlwind of all-nighters, bleary eyes, summary writing, coffee consumption, and all-around madness before you can come up for air in several weeks' time.

Although you might have missed "Take Your Dog To Work" Day earlier this year, there are some law schools who are making this a part of exam time to offer respite from the stress of exams. George Mason University School of Law had "puppy day", where students were able to pet, cuddle, and spend time with homeless and adoptable puppies from a shelter. Another example of law schools going to the dogs is Monty the Therapy Dog, who is available at set times at the Yale Law Library. A registered therapy dog, he can be reserved to spend time with groups of up to four students. Alas, since we do not have any cuddly pooches for you to project your stress on to, you might want to check out the Mayo Clinic's stress relief tips.

Although it has been a number of years since my graduation from Osgoode in 2009, it is still a feeling that is instilled deep, deep into the psyche, so I am only all-too-aware of the punishing realities of what often feels like an interminable and impossibly stressful exam period. However, it is always helpful to remember that no matter what your classmates might tell you, they're likely just as terrified/stressed out/confused as you are. It is also worth noting that no matter how convincingly authoritative they might sound about xy, or z   point of law, there is always the possibility of overcompensation. At the end of the day, you're ultimately responsible to yourself - and part of that is the ability to take a deep breath, put your nose to the grindstone, and get to it. You'll be fine.

And, if you need anything, even just somebody to lend an ear, we're here for you. As they say, you get by with a little help from your friends.