Significant New Additions to HeinOnline's American Indian Law Collection

Significant New Additions to HeinOnline's American Indian Law Collection

Nearly 30,000 pages of Indian Tribal Codes have been added to the American Indian Law Collection on HeinOnline. These materials have been made available by Ralph Whitney Johnson and Susan Lupton at the Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library, University of Washington School of Law. Included is the first edition from 1981, and the second edition from 1988. The project collects in one place in a usable and readily accessible format research materials that would otherwise be virtually unattainable, and this content addition greatly increases the value of a subscription to this database.

The Osgoode Law Library has the 1981 edition in microfiche, but not the 1988 editiion, so their availability in digital format -- and searchable full-text -- on HeinOnline is a wonderful development.