HeinOnline Materials in Zotero

HeinOnline Materials in Zotero

Previously, you were able to access full text materials/attachments saved from HeinOnline to Zotero directly while working off campus/remotely. Some changes have been introduced to this option, in order to retrieve your full text materials from Zotero, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. After saving your search to Zotero as illustrated in Fig. 1, copy the URL for the attachment to another browser.

Figure 1

2. Select your institution from the “Off-campus/remote access” section where you will be required to log in with your Passport York id and password.

Figure 2

3. In the new browser you will see the EZProxy login page in Fig. 3. You will then be taken to the material in HeinOnline.

Figure 3

If you need further assistance, contact a Reference Librarian:
Email: lawref@osgoode.yorku.ca
Tel:  416-736-5207