Lexis Advanced Quicklaw Updates!

Lexis Advanced Quicklaw Updates!

Lexis Advanced Quicklaw has recently made important updates, including an upgrade to Lexis Practice Advisor, and the migration of Canadian Legislative Pulse.

Lexis Practice Advisor and Canadian Legislative Pulse can now be easily accessed through a single sign-in. With this new feature, users can switch from Quicklaw to Practice Advisor or Legislative Pulse using the product switcher located in the top left corner of the screen (pictured below).

Practice Advisor has also improved content browsing, which allows quick access to specific content from a practice area, or the option to view all content.

Canadian Legislative Pulse provides a one-stop option to access daily updates to federal and provincial bills. It also includes links to full texts of all available versions of bills.

For more information on Lexis Advanced Quicklaw and their products, please see the library’s Online Services LibGuide.