Whither the Canadian Human Rights Reporter (CHRR)?

Whither the Canadian Human Rights Reporter (CHRR)?

The Canadian Human Rights Reporter has ceased publication as of December 31, 2020. Subscribers around the country, including libraries, recently experienced access issues with CHRR's content and their website, which led to many wondering what happened.

Canadian Human Rights Reporter: Publisher of Canadian Human Rights Law logo

Canadian Human Rights Reporter logo

A recent announcement from Shelagh Day, President and Senior Editor of CHRR, was sent to subscribers indicating that volume 97 would be the last issue published. CHRR has plans to make their content accessible on their platform in the future, though no details have been forthcoming. Osgoode Library - and no doubt the larger legal research community! - will monitor the situation closely and update the community in due course.

Osgoode Library holds up to volume 77 (2013) in print; however, electronic access to the CHRR is no longer available on Omni or our A-Z databases list.

The Canadian Human Rights Reporter began in 1980 and was founded out of a growing need for lawyers, academics, employers, landlords, and the public to find a reliable source of adjudicator and court decisions in order to learn about human rights and what they mean.