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Automated Student Evaluations in C (part 3)

Automated Student Evaluations in C (part 3)

This is the third post in the series on evaluating student assignments in VPL with C and unit testing. We're targeting using VPL on Moodle / eClass. Specifically, the bash scripts are based on the fantastic work of Smith College professor emeritus, Dr. Dominique Thiébaut. He wrote about his VPL work here and while his […]

Automated Student Evaluations in C (Part 1)

Automated Student Evaluations in C (Part 1)

As with the Matlab and Java versions of this, I'm working on creating a set of C language exercises that can be assigned to students in an automated way, like on eClass (Moodle) using Virtual Programming Lab or the "lab test mode" that we use in the EECS department at York University. Here, I'm focusing […]

It's time to watermark material on eClass

It's time to watermark material on eClass

One of my teaching assistants uploaded my instructional material to Course Hero without my permission. It didn't take me long to figure out who it was. I only had a handful of TAs and the TA used their university user ID as their Course Hero login. When I confronted the TA about it, the TA […]

Update to VPL for Java on EECS at YorkU

Update to VPL for Java on EECS at YorkU

The VPL server in the YorkU EECS department was recently updated (2022/23). This had a small impact on existing VPL scripts. With Java, any script that uses JUnit needs to have its and scripts updated. Here, I have the run script do the JUnit test directly. The evaluate script does JUnit through the […]

VPL: Simplest Working Example

VPL: Simplest Working Example

Virtual Programming Lab can be a little intimidating to use, but once you get the swing of things, it's pretty good. So, let's get you started with the simplest possible working example. We assume that: you have Moodle working at your institution someone has installed VPL on Moodle and you don't need or have access […]

Welcome to my Classroom

Welcome to my Classroom

The Teaching in Focus (TiF) conference at York was held online in 2021 due to the pandemic.  Here's a list of the abstracts.  My "Welcome to my Classroom" talk was based on the work I did in EECS 1011, 1021 and 2021: Giving students rapid and accurate feedback is vital. We can do so with […]

Completion Tracking Reports on eClass

Completion Tracking Reports on eClass

I enabled "completion tracking" on my eClass (Moodle) class pages.  It's a great way for students to see how much work they have completed and how much work still needs to be done.  Instructors can also use it to see how students are doing and to send messages as appropriate.  I describe the "how-to" for […]

Competencies and Outcomes in Moodle (eClass)

Competencies and Outcomes in Moodle (eClass)

Introduction I've been looking for ways to tie in course learning outcomes to a course on eClass (Moodle).  While the Outcomes framework on eClass is an appealing candidate for this, it seems to require manual grading and interventions to work.  After suggestions from Profs Mojgan Jadidi and Melanie Baljko who had previously used it, I've […]

eClass messaging

eClass messaging

Most profs have overflowing email inboxes, making it hard to keep track of student emails.  Two ways that I've heard of dealing with this effectively is to (a) create a class specific email address and (b) have students use the messaging system within the LMS. While messaging will work by default, you may wish to […]