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Home » Posts tagged 'clion'


CLion & LibSerialPort

CLion & LibSerialPort

I've been itching to kick the tires on the CLion IDE to see how it works as a contemporary C and C++ development environment. I've been using Jetbrain's IntelliJ IDE ever since my student,Richard Robinson, recommended it to me for Java development. I typically write C programs using embedded IDEs like MCUXpresso, Segger Embedded Studio […]

Unit Testing a Question Bank

Unit Testing a Question Bank

I'm working on question sets for introductory programming classes in languages like Java, C and Matlab, with a possibility of extending into other commonly-used languages (in our department) like Python and Verilog. The idea is that these questions could be deployed into a protected lab test or an open in-class "flipped homework" environment. Key to […]