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Wear the best-fitting N95 you can

It's March, 2023. Most of the world has "moved on from COVID" and stopped wearing masks. Here at York University, the YUScreen system was dropped last month and many of the door signs about COVID have been removed. But the fact remains that there are still plenty of reasons to wear a mask* in public. […]

Being heard while wearing a mask

The following are a set of preliminary tests I did to determine relative speech sound performance while wearing a mask. I'm particularly interested in the context of mask-wearing in a classroom, but this could be helpful in many other workplaces. I tested a number of masks in my dining room. Audio levels were measured using […]

Update to the Four Motions to Protect Staff, Students and Faculty

[March 20, 2022 update] A version of the N95 motion was brought before YorkU Senate in January 2022 by Senator Patrick Phillips. It appears to have passed but has not led to subsidized distribution of N95s on campus. [Feb 2, 2022 update] The first motion (Recommendation for N95s) resulted in a recommendation email to all […]

Masking Exemptions at York University

[updated Dec 9, 2021] Masks are a form of personal protective equipment that can be very effective at spreading COVID. In your classroom you should only see masked students and they should all be wearing high quality models that protects all of us from the airborne hazard known as COVID. Here's why. Student Accessibility Services […]

Four motions for protecting faculty, staff and students

I'm submitting the following four motions to my department's monthly meeting to see if we can set ourselves up for a safer return to campus. There are four motions: A recommendation for wearing N95 Funding for N95s A request for CO2 sensors A request for portable air purifiers (HEPA) Feel free to reuse and/or adapt, […]