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CourseHero Watermarks, Why Doesn't YorkU?

Piracy of professor-authored teaching material is rampant. I've written about it before. Students and teaching staff have uploaded my material to Course Hero and I'm not happy about it. In spite of requesting that they don't do it, they still do it. I write explicit footnotes in my documents saying not to do it, and […]

VPL: Basic Custom Evaluation Example

Sometimes you need to go beyond the default settings in VPL. That means creating a custom "run" and "evaluate" setup. Here, I'll simplify a great example by Dominique Tiebaut, Emeritus prof at Smith College, written for an assignment in C. (archive) We'll check a "hello world" example in C, but won't use the default evaluate.cases […]

VPL: Simplest Working Example

Virtual Programming Lab can be a little intimidating to use, but once you get the swing of things, it's pretty good. So, let's get you started with the simplest possible working example. We assume that: you have Moodle working at your institution someone has installed VPL on Moodle and you don't need or have access […]

eClass "Playground" course

UIT has rebadged Moodle as "eClass" and now made the "Playground" feature front and centre for teaching faculty to create areas for us to test ideas without immediately changing an existing course. Access it via the "Create Playground" link on the left of your welcome page: We can now more easily name the playground.  This […]

Moodle Scheduler

There are plenty of reasons to schedule interactions with students.  Office hours are one reason, and student presentations are another.  The Moodle scheduler allows you to set up these meetings, as shown in the figure below. once the student has looked at the schedule, she can then select a time slot.  Once she has "booked […]

Group work in Moodle using the Workshop feature

A few people at York have mentioned Workshop as a decent way for students to interact with each other around their school work. It has the potential to be used in a way that is similar to how my wife (as a student) is evaluating other student submissions in an online ETFO (Elem. Teachers Federation […]