Doctoral Student
Graduate Programme in Sociology, York University
Seulsam Lee (이슬샘) is a doctoral student in Sociology at York University. She earned a Specialized Honours B.A. degree in Sociology from Chung-Ang University in Seoul, South Korea, and a Master’s degree in Sociology from York University. Her previous research focused on migrant women’s experiences of precarious work and precarious immigration status in both South Korea and Canada, particularly in the context of the #MeToo Movement. Her current research examines the dynamics of temporary labour migration programs in Canada, specifically the “Working Holiday” program. She explores how the experiences of South Korean and Japanese youths relate to conventional notions of mobility/migration, freedom/precarity, and work/travel, and how these experiences are shaped by global capitalism and social inequalities. She primarily draws from the political economy of international migration, feminist theories, and qualitative methods. Beyond academia, she has participated in various labour, feminist, and im/migrant rights movements in South Korea and Canada. Currently, she is a member of the Women Migrants Human Rights Center of Korea (한국이주여성인권센터) and the Toronto Korean Feminist Collective WIND.
Research Keywords:
Asia, Korean, Migrant Rights, Feminist Theories