Associate Professor
Ann H. Kim is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at York University. Her research interests include three main areas: migration studies, race and ethnicity, and urban sociology, and she has a long-standing interest in the Korean diaspora. She is a co-editor of Korean Immigrants in Canada: Perspectives on Migration, Integration and the Family (2012), and Outward and Upward Mobilities: International Students in Canada, Their Families, and Structuring Institutions (2019), both from the University of Toronto Press, and International Students from Asia in Canadian Universities: Institutional Challenges at the Intersection of Internationalization, Inclusion, and Racialization (2024 Routledge). She was also a guest editor of the special issue, “International Students From Asia in Canada’s Postsecondary Institutions: Disconnections and Connections,” published in the Comparative and International Education Journal (November 2022).
Research Keywords:
Migration; Immigrant and Ethnic Integration; Asian Racialization; Korean-Canadian Studies; Urban Sociology; Social Demography; Methods