I'm really most passionate about languages and cultures. Through my experiential education, I definitely gained a lot more confidence. I worked with the ICFF, the Italian Contemporary Film Festival. I would subtitle movies, movie trailers. I think I definitely grew as a person because I've never really had to be in an environment where there was like a certain level of professionalism so it really helped me balance out casual socialness with the professional attitude. So I think my experiential education really changed the way that I look at future choices because it made me understand that I value social interaction and it also made me understand that I want to be able to incorporate multiple languages. All of these things I think have allowed me to appreciating other cultures while also still reflecting back and appreciating my own. Io mi chiamo Jason Harper e io sono nel mio terzo anno of my trilingual Studies and Linguistics and French Studies at Glendon Campus at York University.
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