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Transcript for eLearning enriches teaching at York University

I’ve made use of technology to deliver an online course in social psychology and I really did that, in part, to service students who…well, a whole variety of students. Students who maybe can’t make it to campus regularly…Students who maybe want to dabble in a course online…Students who just want to free up some time in their schedule…maybe because of their work schedule…and they want to be able to learn on their own time.

So I really tried to make use of technology to facilitate that learning and just give an additional opportunity for students who want to learn in different ways. How I’ve made use of the technology…I record my lectures. And so, students have the opportunity to listen to me and see my slides…and I basically try to simulate the in-class experience but all online so that they get the same experience they would in the classroom with the exception that they can sit anywhere and have this experience.

And the response from students has been really positive and really favourable. I’ve been really excited by it. It’s sometimes hard to gauge when putting together a course online…how it will be received but I try to integrate different videos, TedTalks sometimes, different demonstrations so they can sort of have that in-class experience but online…and students have been really happy to have that flexibility in their lives and to still have that same educational experience, so it’s been really positive for me.