“I knew how interesting Walter was, how his mind was from another planet almost, how he saw things in very strange ways,” writer and York English Professor Michael Ondaatje says of sound and film editor Walter Murch. Ondaatje turned his conversations with Murch into a book, reports Sandra Martin in the Sept. 6 Globe and Mail.
GO tracks to York
GO Transit officially opens a new station near York University just in time for students’ return to classes, reports the Globe and Mail, Canada News-Wire Sept. 6.
Greer’s alleluia
On Sept. 28, Choirs Ontario will present singer and music Professor Albert Greer with the second annual President’s Leadership Award, reports Orillia’s Packet and Times Sept. 6. Greer was the unanimous choice for the award honouring him for his enthusiasm for and dedication to his role as choral director, educator, adjudicator, singer and inspiring leader in choral music.
Skeptical, that’s us
Intensive surveys of more than 3,000 Canadians by York University’s Institute of Social Research during and after the 2000 election reveals that Canadians, like the Liberal party, avoid social and economic extremes. At least half are skeptical about free enterprise and reject the idea that corporate success helps everyone including the poor, reports the Winnipeg Free Press Sept. 6.
What does ‘independent’ mean?
“It’s a sad statement to say that we need to help the auditing profession and establish in writing what ‘independent’ is,” says Linda Thorne, director of accounting research at Veritas Investment Research and York University accounting professor. She was commenting on new auditing rules aimed at cleaning up the accounting profession, in the National Post Sept. 6.
Out of the votes of babes
On the Sept. 5 “Michael Coren Live” (CTS-TV), Michael Coren and panel discussed the leadership of the liberal party and who is going to be the next prime minister. Robert MacDermid, York political science professor, said most Canadians are not aware of what goes on behind the scenes in selecting a new prime minister. People as young as 14 can buy a membership to the Liberal party and cast their votes for the
candidate they want in power.