At its 490th meeting held on June 20, 2002, the Senate of York University:
approved, as recommended by the Executive Committee:
– nominations to fill vacancies on the Senate Tenure & Promotions Committee;
approved, as recommended by the Committee on Admissions, Recruitment and Student Assistance:
– changes to admissions requirements, PhD Program in Administration, Faculty of Graduate Studies;
– changes to admission requirements, Undergraduate Program in Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Pure & Applied Science;
approved, as recommended by the Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards:
– establishment of the Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree Program in Criminology, Faculty of Arts;
– establishment of the York–Seneca Joint Honours Bachelor of Arts Program in Professional Writing, Faculty of Arts;
– restructuring of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Program, Schulich School of Business;
– establishment of the Bachelor of Education (Technological Studies) and Professional Certificate in Education (Technological Studies), Faculty of Education;
– establishment of the Graduate Diploma in Value Theory and Applied Ethics (Type 2), Faculty of Graduate Studies;
– establishment of the Honours Bachelor of Science major and minor degree program requirements in Geography, Faculty of Pure & Applied Science;
approved, as recommended by the Committee on Research:
– the continuation of the Centre for Research in Earth and Space Science (CRESS) for a period of six years with a full review to take place during the academic session 2007-2008;
noted a report for information from the Academic Policy and Planning Committee on:
– the call for 5-year plans from Faculties covering the 2003-2008 period;
– the Academic Planning Forum held May 27;
– the recommendation to the University Board of Governors to establish the Avie Bennett Historica Chairs in Canadian History and Canadian Literature;
noted a report for information from the Committee on Admissions, Recruitment and Student Assistance on:
– approval of new awards;
– the 2002 recipients of the Governor-General’s Gold Medals: Dr. Duff R. Waring, Graduate Program in Philosophy and Mr. Serguei I. Gorelski, Graduate Program in Chemistry;
– the 2002 recipients of the Governor-General’s Silver Medals: Ms Tsoline Mikaelian, Physics & Astronomy, Faculty of Pure & Applied Science, Mr. Gill Frank, English, Faculty of Arts and Ms Helena Furtado, Kinesiology & Health Science & Psychology, Faculty of Arts;
– the 2002 recipient of the Murray G. Ross Award: Ms Julie Bowring, History, Faculty of Arts;
noted a report for information from the Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards on:
– the revised edition of the Curriculum Handbook to be published both in hard copy and as a web-based document;
– minor changes to degree requirements, prerequisites and course approvals;
– minor changes to the Academic Rules of Osgoode Hall Law School for the LLB program;
noted a joint report for information from the Library Committee and the Committee on Academic Computing on:
– the review of York Libraries conducted in 2000;
The complete text of the minutes will be posted on the University Secretariat’s Web site at http://www.yorku.ca/secretariat/senate/. For further information on any of these items, please contact the University Secretariat.
Next Senate Meeting: 4pm on Thursday, Sept. 26, 2002 in the Senate Chamber