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The north is red!

(Left to right: President Lorna R. Marsden, Danielle Francis, Jason Percy, York is U Birthday director Christie Adams, York is U Chair Jeremy Greenberg, York is U Birthday director Joy Abrams, York is U Birthday donations director Marilyn Abram, Oleg Popov, Heather McKenzie, Aaron Vidas and York is U Birthday director Mira Schwartzburg, cutting into one of the cakes specially made for York's 44th birthday)

No one left the campus empty-handed on March 26, unless by intention. York celebrated its 44th birthday in style – and with generosity. As long as people sported red, they were eligible to get free cake and goody bags.

(Right: Students get into the spirit of the  celebrations)

And, boy, did they wear red! Over 2,000 pieces of cake were handed to hungry students, staff and faculty by willing York is U spirit campaign volunteers.

As soon as students discovered that chicken and biscuits were being given away by the newly opened Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits in York Lanes, the queues into the outlet grew.

Several other York Lanes vendors entered into the spirit of the day by offering discounts to customers wearing red.

"York's 44th birthday celebrations were a ton of fun," says Jeremy Greenberg, York is U Chair and coordinator of student alumni programs. "We were thrilled with the number of York students, staff and community members wearing red and participating.

"We gave away thousands of prizes all day long, through prize patrols, trivia, contests etc. The fashion show was a great success, too, and the cheerleaders were acrobatic, aerodynamic and fun to watch. The South Asian Alliances award-winning culture show was awesome."

Greenberg said students really got into the spirit, "singing happy birthday and smiling at strangers who shared their taste in red. It brought everyone that little bit closer and connected students to students and to the one thing they all have in common – York."

(Left: model on runway during fashion show)

(Right: Left to right, N.W. Bud Purves, president, York University Development Corporation, at the opening of Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits, with owner Abdul Haffejee)

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