For a full listing of research opportunities available, see
Deadline: July 30
Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB): E. (Ben) and Mary Hochhausen Fund for Research in Adaptive Technology for Blind and Visually Impaired Persons
York University (administered by ORA): SSHRC Conference Travel Grant
Deadline: July 31
Canadian Blood Services: Kenneth J. Fyke Award
Deadline: early August
McLean Foundation: Research Grants
Deadline: Aug. 1
Dairy Farmers of Canada: Nutrition Research Funding Program (full application)
Guggenheim (Harry Frank) Foundation: Research Grants
NATO: Science Program (Cooperative Science and Technology related to "Physical & Engineering Science")
Whitaker Foundation: Research Grants in Biomedical Engineering (preliminary application; full application Oct. 1)
York University (administered by ORA): York Incentive Grant
Deadline: Aug. 5
National Institutes of Health (US): Public Health Service Grant
Deadline: mid-August
York University (Office of Student Financial Services): Ontario Work/Study Plan
Deadline: Aug. 15
Leaky Foundation: General Research Grants
NSERC: Deadline to submit notification of intent to apply for Discovery Grants (full application Nov. 1) and Major Facilities Access Grants (full application Oct. 1); NATO Science Fellowships (deadline to notify ORA of intent to apply; application to NSERC Oct. 1)
Deadline: late August
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC): Japan Foundation: Special Grants Program for Japanese Studies in Canada; Tanaka Fund Program for Japanese Language Studies (applications to ORA; applications to AUCC in late October)
Materials and Manufacturing Ontario: Collaborative Research Proposals