The new campus-wide Open Access an Open Data Steering Committee, co-chaired by Joy Kirchner, University librarian, and Sushanta Mitra, associate vice-president research & innovation, began its work in fall 2016 with the goal of coordinating campus-wide education on open access and data management, particularly in light of Tri-Agency Open Access Policy requirements and the Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management.
Specific objectives include: an articulation of a framework and coordinated service models that support faculty with these requirements and to create a wider forum for discussion and consideration of changes to the system of scholarship; sustainability of current economic models of scholarship, access to publicly funded research, issues surrounding authors’ and users’ rights in the digital age; and new scholarly distribution systems and other connected open movements.
Two working groups have been formed with the following titles: “Research Data Infrastructure” and “Open Access Policy and Implementation.” The terms of reference for the steering committee and the working groups were finalized and are available on the Open Access & Open Data Steering Committee website at
A road map and roadshow are being developed to raise awareness and encourage discussion about open access publication and dissemination models, and research data management at York. These materials will also address related topics, such as authors’ and users’ rights; methods for enhancing the visibility of research; supports for managing research data; and the Tri-Agency guidelines regarding open access publication and data. The intention is to bring the roadshows to Faculty Councils, Associate Deans of Research (ADR) and Organized Research Units (ORU) and Senate.
Faculty Council meetings are being scheduled in April and May to inform faculty of the work of the Steering Committee. Specific roadshows to Faculty Councils, ADRs and ORUs are being developed to address concerns from faculty members, graduate students and postdoctoral Fellows on matters associated with open access, author’s rights, and data management planning. A Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) section on the website will document questions and answers that will arise from meetings with the broader York community.
The Open Access Policy and Implementation Working Group members are in the process of working on a communications roadmap, an FAQ, and an open access policy in consultation with the Steering Group.
The Research Data Management and Infrastructure Working Group is in the process of compiling a list of supports available on campus and beyond for research data management, and identifying areas where additional supports are required. A website is in development, and the community will be invited to share their feedback and concerns.
Upcoming events
Charles Humphrey of the Canadian Portage Network will be invited to campus in early May to discuss developments in creating a community of practice for research data and fostering Canada’s national research data culture.
For past stories on the committee, visit