
The aim of our work is to gather information, share our findings and facilitate partnerships. This page houses useful resources and links to other NGOs, community groups and institutions working in poverty eradication.

Partnerships | Documents

If you are a Non-Governmental Organization, Community Group, or other institution working or interested in working in poverty eradication, let us join hands to develop an integrated approach to poverty reduction. We would like to hear from you in this regard.

ACUNS is a professional association of educational and research institutions and individual scholars, teachers, and practitioners active in the work and study of the United Nations, the UN system, and various forms and expressions of multilateral relations, global governance and international cooperation. ACUNS promotes excellence and innovation in scholarship, and improved dialogue between scholars and practitioners.

CUSO-VSO | [interview+profile]
In 2010 one of our researchers interviewed Education Program Adviser Andrea Bacsfalusi from the non-profit development agency CUSO-VSO and asked some key questions regarding their education programs. The responses proved enlightening to the work of CUSO-VSO and informative.

Impact First | [interview+profile]
Impact First International is a Canadian non-profit organization dedicated to creating equal access to social and economic opportunities for individuals and communities in low-income countries. Members of Impact First believe in a development strategy that attempts to address the multifaceted and complex nature of poverty through microfinance, health, and basic education initiatives.

Program Rationale - Dr. Bhausaheb Ubale
This rationale is based on the founding lecture delivered by Dr.Bhausaheb Ubale at McLaughlin College Lunch-on Lecture series in March 2008 and his writing: [1] Ubale, Bhausaheb; Human Rights, Poverty and Development Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) in "A New Millennium Edition of Development Express" - December 1999. Download

Report on Sanitation
Philip Walterhouse

The Millennium Development Goal on Environmental Sustainability defines halving the proportion of the population without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015. In addition to being an independent target that the international community is working towards, access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation is instrumental in achieving all other Millennium Development Goals.

Ensuring safe drinking water and adequate sanitation will control the spread of disease, decrease mortality, increase productivity, reduce poverty and build gender equality. Currently, women and girls are disproportionately affected by lack of access to clean water and basic sanitation. The purpose of this report is to further explore the aforementioned issues and to discuss the importance and likelihood of reaching this Millennium Development Goal by 2015 based on existing realities and current trends. Download the report here.