You’ll discover that Glendon, a multicultural and multilingual campus with 20 percent of students coming from outside Canada, is the ideal setting for International Studies. In courses that promote a strong understanding of the problems, paradoxes and possibilities of international society, you’ll be equipped with professional tools of communication, data gathering and organization, as well as management and teamwork — essential for any career path you choose.
You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in an exchange program with global universities like Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and more than 50 other institutions around the world. Through our award-winning International Studies Symposium — a student-led project — you’ll have the chance to take part in an in-depth study of a country or region, organize an international conference and visit your chosen country for a field study.
Explore what each year of your degree could look like, as well as how you can boost your major and career options.
Wondering what each year of your degree will look like? Check it out here.
You’ll study a curriculum that offers an in-depth and balanced approach to International Studies. About two-thirds of the course offerings are taught in English, with the other third in French. Written assignments and examinations may be submitted in either official language in all International Studies courses.
View course timetables on York University's site
Course Catalogue
The 1000-level courses are core courses for the bachelor’s and specialized degrees and are open to incoming first-year students. Those with a course number in the 1000’s are normally open to first-year students. These “introductory courses” are ordinarily offered every year, with most available in both English and French.
GL/ILST 1205 3.00 Introduction au droit des affaires
Description de l’annuaire
Ce cours propose une introduction au droit et aux notions juridiques les plus pertinentes pour ceux qui travaillent dans les affaires, incluant les contrats, la propriété, les organisations commerciales, la réglementation gouvernementale de l'économie et le cadre juridique du commerce international.
GL/ILST 1600 3.00 Introduction à la gestion
Co-inscrit: GL/BUEC 1600 3.00 FR
Description de l’annuaire
Ce cours porte sur les principes de gestion, les types de gestion, les rôles/fonctions et les compétences des gestionnaires, et les défis actuels en matière de gestion. La théorie, la structure, la culture et le comportement des organisations sont étudiés. Les concepts théoriques sont illustrés par des applications pratiques à des problèmes et des scénarios de gestion du monde réel.
GL/ILST 1672 3.00 Culture and Power in the Americas
Cross-listed: GL/HIST 1672 3.00 EN
Please see GL/HIST 1672 3.00 for calendar description.
GL/ILST 1903 3.00 English in the World; the World in English
Cross-listed: GL/EN 1903 3.00
Please see GL/EN1903 3.00 for calendar description.
The 2000-level courses are core courses for the bachelor’s and specialized degrees and are open to incoming first-year students. Those with a course number in the 2000’s are normally open to first-, second-, and third-year students. These “introductory courses” are ordinarily offered every year, with most available in both English and French.
GL/ILST 2100 3.00 Introduction à la gestion de projets
Condition préalable : ILST 1600 3.00 ou GL/ILST 1200 3.00 (avant 2017).
Description de l’annuaire
Ce cours porte sur les rôles des projets dans les organisations publiques et privées, la méthodologie de gestion de projets, le portfeuille de projet, le cycle de projet, les structures de gestion de projet, les techniques et les habiletés en leadership et interculturelles. Des activités expérientielles (Cas, projets, logiciel Microsoft project) permettent d'illustrer les concepts théoriques et de développer les habiletés techniques.
GL/ILST 2608 3.0 À la rencontre de l'Afrique : perspectives pluridisciplinaires
Cross-listed: GL/HIST 2608 3.0
Please see GL/HIST 2608 3.00 for calendar description.
GL/ILST 2610 3.00 Introduction à la gestion de ressources humaines
Co-inscrit: GL/BUEC 2610 3.00
Description de l’annuaire
Ce cours analyse le rôle de la gestion et de l'administration des ressources humaines, notamment l'analyse d'emplois, la planification, la sélection, la formation, l'évaluation du rendement, la rémunération, les relations professionnelles et la sécurité, et la santé des employés.
Please see GL/HIST 2608 3.00 for calendar description.
GL/ILST 2612 3.00 Introduction au marketing
Co-inscrit: GL/BUEC 2612 3.00 FR
Description de l’annuaire
Ce cours initie les étudiants aux modes d'enquête en marketing - à la façon dont les mercaticiens voient le monde. Les étudiants apprennent à comprendre les marchés, ressortir l'information pertinente des données, élaborer un plan et gérer un programme de marketing.
GL/ILST 2622 3.00 Culture, Globalization and International Civil Society
Cross-listed: GL/SOSC 2622 3.00
Calendar Description
A multicultural, interdisciplinary introduction to global civil society. The concept of globalization in a multicultural context, including debates over economic, social, political and cultural issues. Particular attention to transnational social processes, actors and organizations.
GL/ILST 2622 3.00 Culture, mondialisation et société civile internationale
Cross-listed: GL/SOSC 2622 3.00
Calendar Description
Introduction interdisciplinaire et multiculturelle à la société civile mondiale. Étude du concept de mondialisation dans un contexte multiculturel, avec attention particulière portée aux questions culturelles, économiques, sociales et politiques ainsi qu'aux organismes et mouvements sociaux transnationaux.
GL/ILST 2644 6.00 International Society: History, Philosophy and Theories
Cross-listed: GL/HUMA 2644 6.00 EN
Calendar Description
An introduction to the historical and philosophical foundations of contemporary international society and to the main theoretical models and research approaches to the study of international society, including the question of the level of analysis.
GL/ILST 2644 6.00 Société internationale : Histoire, philosophie et théories
Co-inscrit: GL/HUMA 2644 6.00
Description de l’annuaire
Introduction à l'étude des fondements historiques et philosophiques de la société internationale contemporaine, aux principaux modèles théoriques et éthodologiques de l'étude de la société internationale, y compris la question du niveau de l'analyse.
GL/ILST 2655 6.00 Global Geography: Physical and Human Aspects
Cross-listed: GL/SOSC 2655 6.00 EN
Calendar Description
An introduction to the main geographical concepts of and approaches to the study of humans-nature relationship, notably humans and the biosphere, the spatial dimension of the development of societies, cultures and civilizations and the multilevel management of space (local, national, global).
GL/ILST 2655 6.00 Géographie mondiale : aspects physiques et humains
Co-inscrit: GL/SOSC 2655 6.00 FR
Description de l’annuaire
Ce cours examine la dimension spatiale des relations humaines, en particulier les approches et les concepts de géographie physique et humaine au niveau local, national et global, notamment la dynamique humains/nature, la distribution humaine et la gestion de l'espace.
GL/ILST 2930 3.0 The Twentieth Century : A Global Perspective
Co-inscrit: GL/HIST 2930 3.00 EN
Voir GL/HIST 2930 3.00 for calendar description.
GL/ILST 2950 3.00 Globalization & Global Governance
Cross-listed: GL/POLS 2950 3.00 EN
Please see GL/POLS 2950 3.00 for calendar description.
The 3000-level courses (those with a course-number in the 3000’s) are normally open to second-, third-, and fourth-year students. Most of these courses are offered in alternating years, and alternate in the language of instruction. This enables students to plan an individual programme of studies that extends for two or even three years ahead.
GL/ILST 3240 3.00 Race, Gender, Transitional Justice and the Politics of Memory
Cross-listed: GL/POLS 3640 3.00, GL/SOCI 3647 3.00, GL/HIST 3647 3.00
Calendar Description
The course encourages students to critically think about memory and memorialization as political constructs and sites of struggle. This course explores how race and gender offer epistemological and ontological positions to investigate conceptualizations of power in the production of memory in a globalized world.
GL/ILST 3250 3.00 International Economics and Development
Calendar Description
Conceived mainly for students who are not specialized in economics. This course focuses on the interaction of national and international political economy, including the efficiency-equity relationship. It examines major international and development theories, factors, problems, policies and institutions.
GL/ILST 3250 3.00 Économie internationale et développement
Description de l’annuaire
Ce cours s'adresse surtout aux étudiants qui ne spécialisent pas en économie. Il met l'accent sur l'interdépendance entre l'économie politique et internationale, y compris la relation existante entre l'efficacité et équité. On y examine les principaux facteurs, problèmes, théories, politiques et institutions concernant l'économie internationale et le développement.
GL/ILST 3260 3.00 The Environment and International Relations
Calendar Description
Ecological problems such as climate change and resource scarcity transcend the boundaries of nation-states and therefore necessitate international cooperation between states and non-state actors. This course will examine the dynamics of global environmental politics.
GL/ILST 3505 3.00 Research in International Studies
Prerequisite: GL/ILST 2200 6.00 (EN or FR) or GL/ILST 2644 6.00.
Calendar Description
This course consolidates students' research and analysis skills in International Studies. It introduces key principles of academic research, as well as the ethical, methodological and epistemological issues.
GL/ILST 3505 3.00 Recherche en Études internationales
Condition préalable : GL/ILST 2200 6.00 (FR ou EN) ou GL/ILST 2644 6.00.
Description de l’annuaire
Ce cours permet aux étudiants de consolider leurs techniques de recherche et d'analyse en Études internationales. Il porte sur les principes clés de la recherche académique, y compris les enjeux éthiques, méthodologiques et épistémologiques.
GL/ILST 3558 6.00 Afrique noire, genre et mondialisation
Co-inscrit: AP/GWST 3558 6.00 FR, GL/GWST/SOCI 3558 6.00 FR
Voir GL/GWST 3558 6.00 pour la description.
GL/ILST 3602 3.00 Illiberal Politics
Cross-listed: GL/POLS/PHIL 3602 3.00 EN
Please see GL/POLS 3602 3.00 for calendar description.
GL/ILST 3620 3.00 The Economics of the Multinational Firm
Cross-listed: GL/ECON 3620 3.00 EN
Please see GL/ECON 3620 3.00 for calendar description.
GL/ILST 3621 3.00 Canada in Global Perspective/Le Canada, perspective globale
Co-inscrit: GL/CDNS/SOSC 3621 3.00 EN/FR
Voir GL/CDNS 3621 3.00 (E/F) pour la description.
GL/ILST 3626 3.00 International Relations
Cross-listed: GL/POLS 3626 3.00 EN
Please see GL/POLS 3626 3.00 for calendar description.
GL/ILST 3626 3.00 Relations internationales
Co-inscrit: GL/POLS 3626 3.00 FR
Voir GL/POLS 3626 3.0 pour la description.
GL/ILST 3636 3.00 Social Inequality
Cross-listed: GL/SOCI 3636 3.00 EN
Please see GL/SOCI 3636 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 3639 3.0 Comparative Slavery and Emancipation in the Americas
Crosslisted to: GL/HIST 3639 3.00
Please see GL/HIST 3639 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 3641 3.00 From Sugar to Cocaine: Latin America's Global Commodities
Cross-listed: GL/HIST 3641 3.00 EN
Please see GL/HIST 3641 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 3644 3.00 Global Sociology
Cross-listed: GL/SOCI 3644 3.00 EN
Please see GL/SOCI 3644 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 3645 3.00 Applied Business Analytics
Cross-listed: GL/BUEC 3645 3.00 EN
Prerequisite: GL/ILST/BUEC 1600 3.0 or with professor permission.
Calendar Description
This course covers the processes, methodologies and practices used to transform data into useful information to support business decision-making. In this hands-on course, students develop basic knowledge of data mining, analytics and visualizations using SAP, Tableau and IBM software.
GL/ILST 3646 3.00 Business Information Systems
Cross-listed: GL/BUEC 3646 3.00 EN
Prerequisite: GL/ILST/BUEC 1600 3.0 or with professor permission.
Calendar Description
This course covers the role of information systems in organizations, their support of business operations and decision making, and their impact on organizations' competitive position. Case studies and hands-on computer simulations and exercises are utilized.
GL/ILST 3648 3.00 Music and Culture in Global Perspective
Cross-listed: GL/SOCI 3648 3.00 EN
Please see GL/SOCI 3648 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 3650 3.00 Paix, sécurité et droits humains internationaux
Co-inscrit: GL/POLS 3650 3.00 FR
Description de l’annuaire
Introduction interdisciplinaire et multiculturelle aux questions de paix, de sécurité et de droits humains dans la société internationale. Le cours met l'accent sur l'évolution des théories et des pratiques dans ce domaine et fait ressortir les liens qui unissent la sécurité internationale et la poursuite de la prospérité.
GL/ILST 3650 3.00 International Peace, Security and Human Rights
Cross-listed: GL/POLS 3650 3.00 EN
Calendar Description
Interdisciplinary and multicultural introduction to the international peace, security and human rights dimension of international society. The course emphasizes the evolution of thought and practices in this area and stresses the interconnectedness of the international security and prosperity quests.
GL/ILST 3652 3.00 Introduction to International Law
Cross-listed to: GL/POLS 3652 3.00
Prerequisite: GL/ILST 2200 6.00 or GL/ILST 2644 6.00.
Calendar Description
This course is an introduction to public international law and the law of international organisations. It is intended for upper-year students who are pursuing an interdisciplinary approach to international affairs. The course explores the fundamental principles and processes of the international legal order so that students will understand the specific methodology and theories that distinguish international law from the other disciplines that make up international studies.
GL/ILST 3660 3.00 Introduction to Social Psychology
Cross-listed: GL/PYSC 3660 3.00 EN
Please see GL/PYSC 3660 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 3665 6.00 Femmes et mondialisation
Co-inscrit: AP/GWST 3665 6.00, GL/GWST/SOSC/SOCI 3665 6.00
Voir GL/GWST 3665 6.00 pour la description.
GL/ILST 3671 3.00 Politics and Society in Latin America
Cross-listed: GL/POLS 3671 3.00 EN
Please see GL/POLS 3671 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 3675 3.00 Brazil in the Atlantic World: the 16th to the 19th Centuries
Cross-listed: GL/HIST 3675 3.00 EN
Please see GL/HIST 3675 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 3685 3.00 Politique comparée des pays en voie de développement
Co-inscrit: GL/POLS 3685 3.00 FR
Voir GL/POLS 3685 3.00 pour la description.
GL/ILST 3686 3.00 Politics of the Middle East and North Africa
Cross-listed: GL/ POLS 3686 3.00 EN
Please see GL/POLS 3686 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 3692 6.00 Theories of Society
Cross-listed: GL/SOCI/POLS/SOSC 3692 6.00 EN
Please see GL/SOCI 3692 6.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 3692 6.00 Théories de la société
Co-inscrit: GL/POLS/SOSC 3692 6.00 FR
Voir GL/SOCI 3692 6.00 pour la description.
GL/ILST 3694 3.00 Cities, Migrants, and the Politics of Belonging
Cross-listed: GL/POLS/SOCI 3694 3.00 EN
Please see GL/POLS 3694 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 3915 3.00 Indigenous Peoples in International Relations
Cross-listed: GL/SOSC 3915 3.00 EN
Please see GL/SOSC 3915 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 3920 3.00 Économie du développement
Co-inscrit: GL/ECON 3920 3.00 FR
Voir GL/ECON 3920 3.00 pour la description.
The 4000-level courses (those with a course-number in the 4000’s) are normally open to third-, and fourth-year students. Most of these courses are offered in alternating years, and alternate in the language of instruction. Most of these courses are electives, allowing students to focus on topics of interest or specialization.
GL/ILST 4000 6.00 Honours Thesis
Calendar Description
This course permits students enrolled in an Honours program to pursue a particular topic of interest in depth with the assistance of a qualified faculty member. The subject has to be chosen by the student in conjunction with and be approved by the faculty member. Proposals must be approved by the supervising faculty and the program coordinator.
GL/ILST 4000 6.00 Mémoire de spécialisation
Description de l’annuaire
Le mémoire sert à approfondir un sujet sous la direction d'un membre du corps enseignant du Collège. Le sujet est choisi et délimité avec l'aide du/de la professeur(e) qui dirigera le travail. Les propositions doivent être acceptées par le/la professeur(e) désigné(e) ainsi que par le coordonnateur/la coordonnatrice du programme.
GL/ILST 4100 6.00 Individual Studies
Calendar Description
Individual studies is an opportunity for students to create and pursue appropriate interests with the assistance and guidance of a qualified faculty member. Details of the final proposal must be approved by the supervising faculty and the program coordinator.
GL/ILST 4100 6.00 Travaux individuels
Description de l’annuaire
Les travaux individuels permettent d'approfondir un sujet de son choix sous la direction d'un membre du corps enseignant du Collège. Les détails de la proposition doivent être acceptés par le/la professeur(e) désigné(e) ainsi que par le coordonnateur/la coordonnatrice du programme.
GL/ILST 4100 3.00 Travaux individuels
Description de l’annuaire
Les travaux individuels permettent d'approfondir un sujet de son choix sous la direction d'un membre du corps enseignant du Collège. Les détails de la proposition doivent être acceptés par le/la professeur(e) désigné(e) ainsi que par le coordonnateur/la coordonnatrice du programme.
GL/ILST 4100 3.00 Individual Studies
Calendar Description
Individual studies is an opportunity for students to create and pursue appropriate interests with the assistance and guidance of a qualified faculty member. Details of the final proposal must be approved by the supervising faculty and the program coordinator.
GL/ILST 4210 3.00 Religion and International Society
Calendar Description
The course reviews the basic teachings of the major religious traditions, including those of the indigenous people, and analyzes their role in international relations and the globalization process, through time and space, from a comparative and multicultural perspective.
GL/ILST 4260 3.00 Finance internationale
Condition préalable : GL/ILST 3250 3.00.
Description de l’annuaire
Ce cours porte sur l'aspect monétaire des relations économiques internationales et les notions de base liées aux transactions financières internationales. Il permet de comprendre la balance des paiements, le marché des devises et les régimes de taux de change.
GL/ILST 4260 3.00 International Finance
Prerequisite: GL/ILST 3250 3.00.
Calendar Description
This course examines the monetary aspect of international economic relations and familiarizes students with basic concepts related to international financial transactions. Studied are concepts like the balance of payments, foreign exchange markets, exchange rate systems, and the international monetary system.
GL/ILST 4275 3.00 Global Environmental Challenges, Local Solutions / Défis environnementaux mondiaux - solutions locales
Calendar Description
Ce cours expérientiel communautaire examine les défis environnementaux mondiaux avec un accent sur l'urgence climatique. Il développe des solutions locales pour créer une économie circulaire sur le campus Glendon. This community based experiential learning course explores global environmental challenges with specific reference to the current climate emergency and develops local solutions based on a circular economy on the Glendon Campus.
GL/ILST 4300 6.00 Stage pratique professionnel
Description de l’annuaire
Le stage pratique consiste en une période de travail ou de recherche effectuée en dehors de l'Université, au Canada ou à l'étranger, durant une période pouvant aller de 3 mois à une année. Les stages pourront avoir lieu soit dans des organismes du secteur public (gouvernement municipal, provincial ou fédéral, agences des Nations-Unies, organismes continentaux ou trans-continentaux comme l'Organisation des États américains ou l'Union européenne), soit dans le secteur privé (organismes non-gouvernementaux, banques nationales et internationales, sociétés multinationales, syndicales et associations de consommateurs). Les étudiants soumettront régulièrement des rapports au professeur du programme décrivant leurs activités et leurs responsabilités, ainsi que leurs réflexions sur l'expérience acquise durant leur travail ou dans leur recherche. Ils devront également remettre un travail final qui fera la synthèse entre ce qu'ils ont appris durant leur stage et les connaissances acquises dans les cours du programme.
GL/ILST 4300 6.00 Professional Internship
Calendar Description
The internship takes the form of work or research experience outside the University, in Canada or abroad, for a period that could vary from three months to a full year. Placement opportunities will be sought in both the public sector (municipal, provincial and federal governments and agencies, the United Nations family of institutions, continental and sub-continental organizations, such as the OAS and the EU) and the private sector (NGOs, national and international banks, multinational corporations, consumer and labour unions). Students will submit regular reports to the Instructor, describing their activities and responsibilities, as well as the students' reflections on their experiences at work, with particular reference as to how those experiences relate to the students' academic program. In addition, students will write a final paper which will connect some aspect of what the student has learned during the placement with the academic contents of his/her courses.
GL/ILST 4320 6.00 Projet entrepreneurial
Prérequis : GL/ILST/BUEC 1600 3.00 ou sur la permission du professeur.
Description de l’annuaire
Ce cours porte sur les théories/concepts/méthodes associées à l'esprit entrepreneurial, aux équipes entrepreneuriales, opportunités entrepreneuriales et outils pour démarrer/opérer une entreprise à but lucratif/non lucratif. Il inclut la réalisation d'un projet entrepreneurial avec les ressources de l'incubateur dentreprises de Glendon.
GL/ILST 4501 3.00 Capstone Seminar
Prerequisite: GL/ILST 3505 3.00. Course credit exclusion: GL/ILST 4500 6.00 (EN), GL/ILST 4500 6.00 (FR).
Calendar Description
The seminar develops students research capabilities by examining selected research theories and methods, promoting an interdisciplinary and multicultural analytic perspective and providing, possibly, a forum for the presentation and discussion of participants' research designs, processes and results.
GL/ILST 4501 3.00 Séminaire avancé
Condition préalable : GL/ILST 3505 3.00. Cours incompatible : GL/ILST 4500 6.00 (EN), GL/ILST 4500 6.00 (FR).
Description de l’annuaire
Le séminaire avancé développe les aptitudes des étudiants à effectuer des recherches. On y étudie les principales théories et méthodes de recherche, en mettant l'accent sur l'analyse interdisciplinaire et multiculturelle et on offre, éventuellement, la possibilité aux étudiants qui travaillent sur leur recherche personnelle de présenter leur démarche et les résultats obtenus et d'en discuter avec le groupe.
GL/ILST 4510 6.00 Annual International Studies Symposium
Prerequisites: GL/ILST 3505 3.00 and permission of the department.
Calendar Description
This course develops the student's knowledge of a selected country or region of the world and also the project management capabilities necessary to organize an annual symposium and includes a field trip to the selected country or region.
GL/ILST 4520 3.00 Social enterprise design: creating innovative solutions and blended value to solve global issues
Calendar Description
This course introduces the theories/concepts of social entrepreneurship/social enterprise/social entrepreneur/social entrepreneurship process. Using design thinking methods, students are introduced to the processes of opportunity recognition and creation of blended value with innovative/sustainable solutions to local/global issues (poverty/health/education/climate change/food security/fair trade/etc.).
GL/ILST 4601 3.00 Issues in International Law
Cross-listed: GL/POLS 4601 3.00
Prerequisite: GL/ILST 3650 3.00 or GL/ILST 3652 3.00, or permission from the professor.
Calendar Description
This seminar examines various advanced issues in the field of international law that are relevant to an interdisciplinary approach to international affairs.
GL/ILST 4609 3.00 Sovereignty
Cross-listed to: GL/POLS/PHIL 4609 3.00 EN
Please see GL/POLS 4609 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 4611 3.00 War: its meaning and consequences
Calendar Description
This course is an introduction to the history, philosophy and theory of war. It develops a multidisciplinary and multicultural understanding of the dialectic of violence, the nature of war and the evolution of its conduct, its regulations in international society, with emphasis on the different types of actors, structures, processes and norms that characterize the resort to war. The first half of the course reviews the historical and philosophical foundations of the phenomenon of war and its constitutive institutions, from the ancient civilizations to the present. The second half assesses selected theoretical perspectives of the impacts of technology on the conduct of war, and its legal, social and economic effects, as well as its ethical implications.
GL/ILST 4618 3.00 Diplomacy
Cross-listed: GL/POLS 4618 3.00
Calendar Description
This course examines the history and nature of diplomacy, its role in international politics, its various dimensions, the changes that it has undergone as in its development and practice, particularly economic negotiations, and its future either as an alternative or complement to the use of force.
GL/ILST 4618 3.00 La diplomatie
Co-inscrit: GL/POLS 4618 3.00
Description de l’annuaire
Ce cours examine la nature et l'histoire de la diplomatie, son rôle en politique internationale, ses différentes dimensions, les changements qu'elle a subis dans son développement et sa pratique, en particulier en ce qui concerne les négociations économiques, et son avenir comme alternative ou comme complément au recours à la force.
GL/ILST 4619 3.00 Cultural Encounters in Early Modern Europe, 1492-1700
Cross-listed: GL/HIST 4619 3.00 EN
Please see GL/HIST 4619 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 4630 6.0 Brazil Globalization Seminar
Crosslisted to: GL/HIST 4630 6.00
Please see GL/HIST 4630 6.00 for the description
GL/ILST 4635 3.00 Corporate governance in an international context
Cross-listed: GL/ECON 4635 3.00
Calendar Description
Examines concepts related to corporate governance. This includes mechanisms to control managers and conflicts of interests between stakeholders. Particular attention is given to the international context by studying large multinational firms and emerging countries.
GL/ILST 4651 3.00 International Refugee Protection/Protection internationale des réfugiés
Cross-listed: GL/POLS 4651 3.00
Prerequisite/Condition préalable : GL/ILST 3650 3.00, GL/POLS 3650 3.00.
Calendar Description
This seminar examines the international protection of displaced persons from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students will study current debates involving humanitarian crises and population displacement./Ce séminaire examine la protection internationale des personnes déplacées selon une perspective interdisciplinaire. Les étudiants vont aborder plusieurs débats relatifs aux crises humanitaires et aux déplacements de populations.
GL/ILST 4652 3.00 Borders, Displacement, and the State
Cross-listed to: GL/POLS 4652 3.00 EN
Please see GL/POLS 4652 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 4667 3.00 The Sociology of International Migration: Contemporary Issues and Debates
Cross-listed: GL/SOCI 4667 3.00 EN
Please see GL/SOCI 4667 3.00 for the description.
GL/ILST 4669 3.00 G21 Passion Project / Projet passion G21
Cross-listed: GL/CDNS/DRCA/HIST/LIN/SOSC/PSYC/PHIL 4669 3.00
Please see GL/SOSC 4669 3.00 for the description
GL/ILST 4674 3.00 Migration and Citizenship
Cross-listed: GL/POLS 4674 3.00 EN
Please see GL/POLS 4674 3.00 for the description
GL/ILST 4695 3.00 English as a World Language
Cross-listed: GL/EN/LIN 4695 3.00 EN
Please see GL/EN 4695 3.00 for the description
Degree Types & Program Requirements
International Studies offers the following degree types and certificates:
- Business Administration & International Studies Dual Degree
- Specialized Honours BA/iBA
- Honours BA/iBA
- Honours Double Major BA/iBA
- Honours Major/Minor BA/iBA
International Studies is available as a bilingual or trilingual International Bachelor of Arts.
This program is also available as a Glendon BA, with flexible language requirements.
Book an Appointment with an Academic Advisor
Other Program Details
Student Awards
We want to recognize your academic success and commitment to excellence in the International Studies program. Not just a financial boost, awards and scholarships are a great way to show your hard work on your resumé and university transcript.
Meet Our Alumni
Many of our graduates have gone on to pursue graduate-level studies, and to prominent positions in the Canadian Foreign Service, law, journalism, business, and international organizations such as the United Nations.
Student Clubs & Associations
Get involved in one or more of our many student clubs to complement your in-class experience, including the International Studies Student Association and the United Nations Club.