How do I install X and L drive links on my PC or Mac's desktop?

How do I install X and L drive links on my PC or Mac's desktop?

Automatic Script Method


  1.  You must be connected to the VPN -  For instructions on setting up a VPN connection, click here
  2.  Navigate to this page and under Windows, select the drive you wish to connect to, and download the link. The procedure is the same for both X: and L: drives.
  3. After downloading, you will get this prompt - press Keep:
  4. Select Show in folder:
  5. Right click on the ps1 file that was downloaded and select Run with PowerShell:
  6. Click on Open:
  7.  This window will pop up. Enter A and press enter. You will need to log in with your PPY credentials.
  8. Your shortcut will appear on the desktop:


  1. You must be connected to York's VPN. Instructions here
  2. Navigate to this page and under Mac, select the drive you wish to connect to, and download the link. The procedure is the   same for both X: and L: drives.
  3. Download the file, press Keep:
  4. Open file location with Open:
  5. Press the Play button to run the script. You will be asked to log in.  Your username is YORKUppyusername (ie. if your Passport York username is joesmith, log in as YORKUjoesmith), and your password is your Passport York password.
  6.  Repeat the process for each desired shortcut.
  7. The shortcuts will appear on your desktop:

 Manual Method

To access your X: drive, be sure that you are connected to the VPN. Open File Explorer (do not use Internet Explorer, Chrome, or any other browser - this is not a web link) and paste this shortcut in, where username is your Passport York user name, and press Enter:


To access your L: drive, open File Explorer and paste this shortcut in and press Enter:




L drive, VPN, X: Drive, shortcut


File Access Service (FAS)

Last updated: 11 January 2022
