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Program Details

With global emphasis on public health, mental health, aging, the need for qualified health professionals has never been more pressing —especially those who can communicate in more than one language. 

Whether you choose a Bachelor of Arts, or Science, with or without a focus on cognitive neuropsychology, you will be joining a program known for its academic rigour, hands-on opportunities, and personalized attention from professors. While completing your scientific study of behaviour and experience, you will examine a variety of fields and viewpoints, including development, perception, cognition, forensic, social, abnormal psychology, neuropsychology, and more.  

Our graduates have found success in various fields, including counselling, teaching, social work, human resources, business, law, and health professions. Our students also have good success rate in graduate school admissions. 

Explore what each year of your degree could look like, as well as how you can boost your major and career options.

Wondering what each year of your degree will look like? Check it out here.


After completing introductory mandatory courses in psychology, you will choose from courses in specialized issues such as health, law, memory, and childhood. All mandatory courses are offered in English or in French, and about two-thirds of the elective courses are taught in English, with the other third being taught in French. 

York University Course Website - Glendon Campus - Course View List in Psychology

Students on Glendon Campus.

Course Level

Because the Introduction to Psychology (GL Psyc 2510) and the Statistics I courses (GL Psyc 2530) are pre-requisites to most other psychology courses, they are considered equivalent to 1000 level year courses. (They are open to first-, second- and third-year students.)  

GL PSYC 2510 6.00 EN Introduction to Psychology

Category : Core course

Language of instruction: English

Course credit exclusion: HH/PSYC 1010 6.00.

Calendar Description

An overview of the discipline of psychology, which includes sensation and perception, learning and behaviour modification, social psychology, developmental psychology, personality, motivation, abnormal psychology and psychobiology. Note: This course is required for all students who intend to pursue additional courses in psychology at the 2000-, 3000- and 4000-levels.

GL PSYC 2510 6.00 FR Introduction à la psychologie

Catégorie: Cours obligatoire

Langage d`instruction: Français

Cours incompatible: HH/PSYC 1010 6.00. 0 6.00.

Description du calendrier

Revue générale des sujets de base en psychologie tels que la pensée et le langage, la sensation et la perception, l'apprentissage et la modification du comportement, le comportement social, le développement, la personnalité, la motivation, la psychologie anormale, et la base physiologique du comportement. Remarque: Ce cours est obligatoire pour les étudiants qui ont l'intention de prendre des cours de psychologie au niveau 2000, 3000 ou 4000.

GL PSYC 2530 3.00 EN Statistics I  

Category: Core course

Language of instruction: English

Co-requisite: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or equivalent.

Course credit exclusions:  HH/PSYC 2021 3.00, HH/PSYC 2022 3.00, HH/PSYC 2020 6.00

Note: For students starting the psychology program in the current year.

Calendar Description 

This course covers descriptive statistics, the basics of probability and of inferential statistics. Topics covered include: frequency distributions; measures of central tendency and dispersion; the normal curve; correlation and regression; hypothesis testing; non-factorial experimental designs, and t-tests.

GL PSYC 2530 3.00 FR Statistiques I  

Catégorie: Cours obligatoire

Langage d`instruction: Français

Condition concomitante : GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 ou l'équivalent.

Cours incompatibles : HH/PSYC 2021 3.00 et HH/PSYC 2022 3.00 ou HH/PSYC 2020 6.00.

Remarque: Pour les étudiants qui commencent le programme de psychologie dans l’année en cours.

Ce cours couvre les statistiques descriptives, les bases de la probabilité, et des statistiques inférentielles. Les sujets abordés comprennent les distributions de fréquences, mesures de tendance centrale et de dispersion, courbe normale, corrélation et régression, tests d'hypothèses, plans de recherche non-factoriels, et le test t.

GL PSYC 2520 3.00 EN Introduction to Experimental Psychology

Category: Core course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 et GL/PSYC 2530 3.00 or equivalent.

Corequisite: GL/PSYC 2531 3.00. 

Course credit exclusion:  HH/PSYC 2030 3.00.

Calendar Description 

The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the process of scientific reasoning as it applies to psychology. The course discusses the relationships between empirical evidence and inference, reliability, and validity. Students obtain experience in designing and executing empirical studies.

GL PSYC 2520 3.00 FR Introduction à la psychologie expérimentale  

Catégorie: Cours obliagatoire

Langage d`instruction : Français

Conditions préalables : GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 et GL/PSYC 2530 3.00 ou l'équivalent.

Condition concomitante : GL/PSYC 2531 3.00. 

Cours incompatible : HH/PSYC 2030 3.00.

Description du calendrier

Ce cours traite de la démarche et des méthodes scientifiques en psychologie. Les relations entre les évidences empiriques, les interférences, la fiabilité, et la validité y sont étudiées.  Les étudiants doivent mettre au point et réaliser une étude empirique.

GL PSYC 2531 3.00 EN Statistics II

Category: Core course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 and GL/PSYC 2530 3.00 or equivalents.

Course credit exclusions:  HH/PSYC 2022 3.00 or HH/PSYC 2020 6.00.

Calendar Description 

This course is a sequel to GL/PSYC 2530 3.00. Inferential statistics are studied. Topics covered include one-way and two-way analyses of variance; analysis of covariance post-hoc tests; statistical power; non-parametric tests, and introduction to statistical software use.

GL PSYC 2531 3.00 FR Statistiques II

Catégorie: Cours obligatoire

Langage d`instruction : Français

Conditions préalables: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 et GL/PSYC 2530 3.00 ou equivalents.

Cours incompatibles : HH/PSYC 2022 3.00 ou HH/PSYC 2020 6.00.

Description du calendrier

Ce cours est la suite du cours Statistiques I. Les statistiques inférentielles y sont étudiées. Les sujets abordés incluent l'analyse de variance (non-factorielle et factorielle), l'analyse de covariance, les tests post-hoc, la puissance statistique, les tests non-paramétriques et l'introduction à l'utilisation de logiciels statistiques.

GL PSYC 3220 3.00 EN Personality

Category :  Elective

Language of instruction: English

Prerequiste: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or equivalent.

Course credit exclusion : HH/PSYC 2130 3.00.

Calendar Description

The course begins with an overview of the issues and perspectives encountered in the study of human personality and the difficulty we have in arriving at an adequate definition of personality. Various theoretical approaches and their applications are then examined in detail. Throughout the course more general aspects and issues in human personality such as aggression, anxiety, sex differences etc. will be discussed in seminar presentations made by the members of the class.

GL PSYC 3230 3.00 EN Psychological Health, And Distress

Category: Elective course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or equivalent.

Course credit exclusion:  HH/PSYC 3140 3.00.

Calendar Description 

This course discusses what is psychologically healthy and distressful. It reviews the nosology of neurosis, psychosis, and character disorders, relates the concept of behaviour disorders to these notions, and outlines the different therapy theories and techniques.

GL PSYC 3230 3.00 FR Santé psychologique et déficience

Catégorie: Cours au choix  

Langage d`instruction : Français

Condition préalable: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 ou equivalent.

Cours incompatible : HH/PSYC 3140 3.00.

Description du calendrier

Ce cours initie aux concepts de santé mentale, et de souffrance. Il examine les névroses, les psychoses, et les désordres de personnalité. Il présente les différentes thérapies utilisées dans le traitement des comportements problématiques

GL PSYC 3300 3.00 EN Introduction to Development: Infancy and Childhood

Category: Elective course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisite: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or equivalent.

Course credit exclusion:  HH/PSYC 2110 3.00.

Calendar Description 

Theory and research in contemporary psychology are presented. Theories include Piaget's, Erickson's, attachment theory and learning theory. Topics include the development of motor skills, perception, learning, cognition, language, the brain, social behaviour, emotional behaviour, personality etc.

GL PSYC 3300 3.00 FR Introduction au développement de l'enfant

Catégorie: Cours au choix  

Langage d`instruction : Français

Condition préalable: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 ou equivalent.

Cours incompatible : HH/PSYC 2110 3.00.

Description du calendrier

Ce cours examinera les théories et les recherches empiriques les plus importantes en psychologie développementale, et portera surtout sur la première enfance et l'enfance. Le cours traitera du développement de la motricité, du cerveau, de la perception, de l'apprentissage, des connaissances, du langage, du comportement social, des émotions, de la personnalité, et de la conscience.

GL PSYC 3310 3.00 EN Introduction to Development: Adolescence, Adulthood and Aging

Category :  Elective

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisite: : GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or equivalent.

Course credit exclusion : HH/PSYC 3490 3.00.

Calendar Description

Is development anything more than maturation? Is individual change simply a response to the Zeitgeist? This course focuses primarily on change in the individual and systemic change is considered.

GL PSYC 3310 3.00 FR Psychologie du développement : adolescence, âge adulte et âge d'or

Catégorie: Cour au choix

Langage d`instruction: Français:

Condition préalable : GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 ou l'équivalent.

Cours incompatible: HH/PSYC 3490 3.00.

Descriptoin du calendrier

Ce cours en psychologie du développement étudie un choix de travaux théoriques et de recherches portant sur le développement durant l'adolescence, l'âge adulte et la vieillesse. Parmi les sujets traités, les théories des stages, la crise de la quarantaine et les changements intellectuels consécutifs à l'âge.

GL PSYC 3350 3.00 EN Educational Psychology

Category: Elective

Language of Instruction : English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or equivalent.

Course credit exclusion:  HH/PSYC 3410 3.00.

Calendar Description

The application of principles from the psychology of learning, motivation and social interaction to the class-room situation. Topics considered include communication and understanding, the development of skills, creative and critical thinking, conceptualization, learning and teaching. Prerequisite: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or equivalent. Course credit exclusion: HH/PSYC 3410 3.00.

GL PSYC 3370 3.00 EN Cognition

Category: Elective

Language of Instruction : English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or equivalent.

Course credit exclusion:  HH/PSYC 3260 3.00.

Calendar Description

Some characteristics of cognition or thinking processes are examined through active study of selected research on concept learning, concept formation and problem-solving. Selected literature which presents methods to facilitate thinking or problem-solving is also examined.

GL PSYC 3390 3.00 EN Memory

Category: Elective course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or equivalent.

Course credit exclusion:  HH/PSYC 3265 3.00.

Calendar Description 

The field of memory is a rapidly developing one. Models of memory and theories of forgetting, both early and present-day, are reviewed.

GL PSYC 3390 3.00 FR Mémoire

Catégorie: Cours au choix  

Langage d`instruction : Français

Condition préalable: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 ou equivalent.

Cours incompatible : HH/PSYC 3265 3.00.

Description du calendrier

Ce cours approfondira l'étude de la mémoire humaine sous ses aspects multiples : 1) la réception, la sélection (consciente ou inconsciente) d'informations reçues par les organes des sens; 2) le codage et le stockage de ces informations sous forme « d'engrammes » au sein d'ensembles de neurones; 3) la capacité d'accéder à ces informations.

GL PSYC 3510 3.00 EN Disturbance in Development

Category :  Elective

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisite: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 and either GL/PSYC 3230 3.00, GL/PSYC 3300 3.00, or GL/PSYC 3310 3.00 or their equivalents taken either concurrently with, or preferably, prior to GL/PSYC 3510 3.00

Course credit exclusion : HH/PSYC 4460 3.00

Calendar Description

What is the developmental process? When is it considered abnormal? What causes the psychopathology? Theory, research and intervention related to infantile autism, childhood schizophrenia, learning disorders, mental retardation, genetic disorders, child abuse etc., are presented.

GL PSYC 3510 3.00 FR Le développement anormal

Catégorie: Cour au choix

Langage d`instruction: Français:

Condition préalable : GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 ou l'équivalent.

Cours incompatible: HH/PSYC 4460 3.00

Description du calendrier

Quand considère-t-on le développement anormal? Quelles sont les causes de cette psychopathologie? Ce cours examinera les concepts, les recherches empiriques, et les thérapies le plus importantes liées à ces questions. Des visites aux institutions voisines seront intégrées dans le cours.

GL PSYC 3525 3.00 EN Intermediate Experimental Psychology

Category: Core course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00, GL/PSYC 2520 3.00, GL/PSYC 2530 3.00 and GL/PSYC 2531 3.00 or the equivalent.

Course credit exclusion: HH/PSYC 3010 3.00.

Calendar Description 

This is a continuation of GL/PSYC 2520 3.00. It focuses on applications of research principles. Published research articles are evaluated; students execute an empirical study involving a factorial design. Students learn which particular statistical analyses are appropriate for various different experimental designs.

GL PSYC 3550 3.00 EN Psychological Testing and Measurement

Category: Elective course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00, GL/PSYC 2530 3.00 and GL/PSYC 2531 3.00 or equivalents.

Course credit exclusion: HH/PSYC 3090 3.00.

Calendar Description 

Theoretical and practical aspects of testing and measurement are treated, with particular attention being given to the principles and problems of measurement in the areas of personality, social psychology and psychopathology.

GL PSYC 3555 3.00 EN Learning, Behaviour Modification, and Behaviour Management

Category: Elective course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00, GL/PSYC 2520 3.00, GL/PSYC 2530 3.00, GL/PSYC 2531 3.00 or the equivalents.

Course credit exclusion:  GL/PSYC 3400 3.00, (avant l`automne 2014) .

Calendar Description 

Examines learning and behaviour modification as applied in clinical settings. Topics include classical and operant conditioning, reinforcement, self- and environmental control and behavioural intervention geared to people who suffer from cognitive disorders.

GL PSYC 3555 3.00 FR L'apprentissage et la modification du comportement

Catégorie: Cours au choix  

Langage d`instruction : Français

Conditions préalables: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00, GL/PSYC 2520 3.00, GL/PSYC 2530 3.00, GL/PSYC 2531 3.00 or the equivalents.

Cours incompatible : GL/PSYC 3400 3.00, (avant l`automne 2014).

Description du calendrier

Ce cours présente les principes d'apprentissage et de modification des comportements en milieu clinique. Comment gérer les troubles cognitifs à l'aide du conditionnement classique et opérant, et du contrôle de soi et de l'environnement y est appris.

GL PSYC 3600 3.00 EN Psychology and Law

Category: Elective course

General Education Credit: SOCS

Cross-listing: GL/SOCS 3600 3.00.

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisite: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or the equivalents.

Course credit exclusion:  HH/PSYC 3310 3.00.

Calendar Description 

Laws and court decisions are based on assumptions about human behaviour and its causes. The validity of these assumptions can be appraised with the methods of social science. Topics will include the fallibility of the eyewitness, jury decisions, the trustworthiness of hearsay and police evidence.

GL PSYC 3635 3.00 EN Health Psychology

Category: Elective course

General Education Credit: NATS

Cross-listing: GL/NATS 3635 3.00.

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisite: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or the equivalents.

Course credit exclusion:  HH/PSYC 3170 3.00.

Calendar Description 

This course examines psychological contributions to health maintenance, prevention and treatment of illness, and to the identification of correlates of specific conditions in health and illness.

GL PSYC 3635 3.00 FR La psychologie de la santé

Catégorie: Cours au choix  

Education général crédit : NATS

Co-inscrit : GL/NATS 3635 3.00.

Langage d`instruction : Français

Condition préalable : GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 ou équivalents.

Cours incompatible : HH/PSYC 3170 3.00.

Description du calendrier

La psychologie de la santé constitue un secteur d'activité en pleine effervescence. Le cours mettra l'emphase sur le rôle scientifique de la psychologie appliqué aux problèmes de santé, le stress psychologique ainsi que plusieurs variables moderatrices.

GL PSYC 3640 3.00 EN Psychological Studies of Languages

Category: Elective course

General Education Credit : NATS

Cross-listing : GL/NATS/LIN 3640 3.00

Language of instruction : English

Prerequisite : GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or the equivalent.

Course credit exclusion: HH/PSYC 3190 3.00; AP/LING 3220 3.00

Calendar Description

Human language is unique among communication systems in its richness, complexity of structure, and funtion. This course examines language both as a symbolic system as a motor activity produced by a biological organism. Topics inclued language acquisition, bilingugalism ande the interrelationship between language and thinking.

GL PSYC 3660 3.00 EN Introduction to Social Psychology

Category: Elective course

Cross-listing: GL/ILST 3660 3.00

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisite: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or the equivalents. GL/PSYC 2520 3.00 is strongly recommended.

Course credit exclusion:  HH/PSYC 2120 3.00.

Calendar Description 

Examines human social behaviour from the perspective of the experimental social psychologist. Topics include theories and research methods of social psychology, social perception and attraction, social cognition, language and bilingualism, attitudes, attitude change and prejudice.

GL PSYC 3669 3.00 EN/FR G21 Projet Passion project : Préparation

Category: Elective course

Cross-listing: GL/SOCS/CDNS/HIST/LIN/DRCA/PHIL/ILST 3669 3.00.

Note: Enrolment by permission of the Multidisciplinary Studies department.

Language of instruction: English/French

Calendar Description

Short Description

This course introduces students to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and provides the structure for them to develop expertise on the theme of a research passion project. Students will analyze secondary literature on their chosen project, working with the course director and a faculty mentor. Notes: 1. This course cannot be used to satisfy the general education requirement. 2. Enrollment by permission of the Multidisciplinary Studies department, contact them at mds@glendon.yorku.ca . If registering under a cross-listing from another program, permission must be provided by that program as well.

Long Description

This course provides the framework for students to undertake research on a passion project of their choosing. Drawing on one or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which York University has adopted as priority areas in teaching and research, the projects will apply theory to address a real-world problem. The course director will provide overall direction for all students' projects. Working with the Glendon Research Office and the Experiential Education office, the course director will arrange a series of workshops for students on specific academic skills (e.g., research and presentation skills) and theoretical approaches related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Students will work on their own research project over the two terms by reviewing and synthesizing secondary literature relevant to their project. The course will meet on a bi-weekly basis. Individual Glendon faculty mentors will offer disciplinary expertise to the student they agree to assist in this manner, and they will contribute to assessment of the results. Students will present their literature review in a manner suited to their disciplinary focus (e.g. written research paper, poster presentation, podcast, video, and so on), and they will present it at a culminating event at the end of the academic year. This course will run every second week over the fall and winter term (12 weeks in total). Workshops will be in both official languages, but students can participate and conduct their research in the language of their choice. Evaluation scheme: Initial project proposal and division of tasks for work on literature review (20%), bi-weekly project log (30%), draft literature review (20%), final literature review (30%)

GL PSYC 3670 3.00 EN Psychobiology   

Category: Elective course

General Education Credits: NATS

Cross-listing: GL/NATS 3670 3.00

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisite: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or the equivalents.

Course credit exclusion:  HH/PSYC 2240 3.00.

Calendar Description 

This course reviews the physiological basis of behaviour including elements of neuroanatomy, psycho-physiology, neuropsychology and psycho-pharmacology.

GL PSYC 3670 3.00 FR Psychobiologie  

Catégorie: Cours au choix  

Education général crédit: NATS

Co-inscrit : GL/NATS 3670 3.00.

Langage d`instruction : Français

Condition préalable: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 ou équivalents.

Cours incompatible : HH/PSYC 2240 3.00.

Description du calendrier

Ce cours a pour but d'offrir aux étudiants une introduction générale et un survol à des bases neurobiologiques du comportement humain. La psychobiologie connaît un essor extraordinaire depuis ces dernières années. Nous discutons des avancées scientifiques dans le domaine et de leurs applications cliniques. Ce cours permet aux étudiants non-initiés d'avoir une appréciation des frontières de la psychologie.

GL PSYC 3675 3.00 EN Evolutionary Psychology

General Euducation : NATS

Category: Elective

Language of instructions: Enlgish

Prerequisite : GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or equivalent.

Cross-listed : GL/NATS 3675 3.00

Course credit exclusion: HH/PSYC 3280 3.00, HH/PSYC 3420 3.00.

Calendar Description

This course merges evolutionary biology and psychology; it studies infra-human and human behaviors, and psychological processes through the lens of evolution. It exposes contemporary controversies associated with the evolutionary approach to understanding psychological phenomena.

GL PSYC 3680 3.00 EN Evolution of Behaviour in Animals

General Euducation : NATS

Category: Elective

Language of instructions: Enlgish

Prerequisite : GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or equivalent.

Cross-listed : GL/NATS 3680 3.00

Course credit exclusion: HH/PSYC 3420 3.00.

Calendar Description

Research and theory with animals are considered. Perspectives in evolution, ethology, sociobiology and psychology are dealt with. Topics covered include facial, vocal and spatial communications; perception, learning and reproduction.

GL PSYC 3685 3.00 EN Data Science for Social Scientists

Category: Elective course

Cross-listing: GL/ECON 3685 3.00

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/MATH/MODR 1620 3.00 or GL/PSYC 2531 3.00 or GL/ECON3670 3.00 or AP/ECON 3480 3.00 or AP/ECON 3210 3.00 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.

Note: Enrolment by permission of the Economics department, economics@glendon.yorku.ca.

Calendar Description

This course introduces students to data science techniques to collect, prepare and process internet data, as well as analyze it and communicate the results to diverse audiences. The course focuses on applications using Python.

GL PSYC 3685 3.00 FR Science des données pour les sciences sociales

Catégorie: Cours au choix  

Co-inscrit : GL/ECON 3685 3.00

Langage d`instruction : Français

Conditions préalables: GL/MATH/MODR 1620 3.00 or GL/PSYC 2531 3.00 or GL/ECON3670 3.00 or AP/ECON 3480 3.00 or AP/ECON 3210 3.00 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.

Remarque: Inscription avec la permission du département d’économie, economics@glendon.yorku.ca.

Description du calendrier

Ce cours initie les étudiants aux techniques de la science des données afin qu'ils puissent collecter, préparer et traiter des données web, ainsi que les analyser et communiquer les résultats à une audience. Le cours utilise le langage Python.

GL PSYC 3690 3.00 EN Perception

General Education: NATS

Category: Elective course

Cross-listing: GL/NATS 3690 3.00.

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisite: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 or the equivalent

Course credit exclusions: HH/PSYC 3270 3.00, HH/PSYC 2220.

Calendar Description 

This course focuses on the nature of light, the eye and the visual nervous system. Early vision (encoding light and pattern) and higher order vision (encoding surfaces and objects) are covered. Neurobiological mechanisms are underlined. The auditory system is also covered.

GL PSYC 4000 6.00 EN Honours Thesis

Category: Core course for Specialized Honours

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2520 3.00, GL/PSYC 2530 3.00, GL/PSYC 2531 3.00 and GL/PSYC 3525 3.00 or the equivalent. Enrolment is by permission of the department.

Course credit exclusions : HH/PSYC 4000 6.00, HH/PSYC 4170 6.00

Note: Open only to Specialized Honours students in their fourth-year.

Calendar Description

An opportunity for the advanced student to study a topic in some depth, by doing an empirical study — although, under unusual circumstances, non-empirical work may also be acceptable.

GL PSYC 4000 6.00 FR Mémoire de spécialisation

Catégorie : Cours obliagtoire pour Spécialisiation approfondie

Language d`instruction : Français

Condition préalable : GL/PSYC 2520 3.00, GL/PSYC 2530 3.00, GL/PSYC 2531 3.00 et GL/PSYC 3525 3.00. Inscription avec la permission du département.

Cours incompatible: HH/PSYC 4000 6.00, HH/PSYC 4170 6.00

Remarque : Offert seulement aux étudiants de Spécialisation approfondie de quatrième année.

Description du calendrier

Ce cours donne à l'étudiant de quatrième année l'occasion d'étudier un sujet à un niveau approfondi, en faisant une étude empirique — bien que, dans certains cas, une étude non-empirique puisse aussi être acceptable.

GL PSYC 4100 3.00/6.00 EN Individual Studies

Category: Elective course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisite: Open to fourth-year psychology majors. Prior approval of the department is required.

This course is conducted on a one-to-one basis between the student and the Instructor. It consists of an intensive study of a particular problem in psychology of interest to both the student and the Instructor and may or may not include a practicum.  

GL PSYC 4100 3.00/6.00 FR Travail Individuel

Catégorie: Cours au choix  

Langage d`instruction : Français

Condition préalable : Restreint aux étudiants de quatrième année qui font une majeure en psychologie. Approbation préalable du département est requise.

Ceci consiste en un programme d'étude intensif d'un sujet psychologique d'intérêt à l'étudiant ainsi qu'au professeur (qui peut comprendre un stage pratique) et qui est suivi par l'étudiant individuellement avec le professeur de son choix.

GL PSYC 4230 3.00 FR Séminaire avancé

Catégorie: Cours obligatoire

Langage d`instruction : Français

Conditions préalables : GL/PSYC 2520 3.00, GL/PSYC 2530 3.00, GL/PSYC 2531 3.00 et GL/PSYC 3525 3.00 ou l'équivalent. Incription avec la permission du département.

Remarque : Offert seulement aux étudiants de quatrième année inscrits au baccalauréat spécialisé.

Description du calendrier

Ce séminaire à pour objet le développement d'aptitudes devant aider les étudiants à clarifier et organiser leurs idées et à les exprimer efficacement par écrit ou oralement. Un certain nombre de sujets empruntés à des publications savantes serviront de points de départ pour des présentations orales ou des exercices écrits.

GL PSYC 4230 3.00 EN Advanced Seminar

Category: Core course for Honours

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2520 3.00, GL/PSYC 2530 3.00, GL/PSYC 2531 3.00 and GL/PSYC 3525 3.00. Enrolment is by permission of the department.

Note: Open only to honours students in their fourth-year.

This course attempts to integrate various areas of psychology for the advanced student. The format of the course and its subject matter vary from year to year.

GL PSYC 4240 3.00 EN Advanced Experimental Design

Category: Elective course; Core course for Specialized honours

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2520 3.00, GL/PSYC 2530 3.00, GL/PSYC 2531 3.00 and GL/PSYC 3525 3.00 or the equivalent. Enrolment is by permission of the department.

Note: (1) It is strongly advised that students carefully review the material covered in GL/PSYC 2530 3.00 and GL/PSYC 2531 3.00, before lectures begin in this course. (2) Open only to honours students in their fourth-year. (3) Enrolment is by permission of the department.

GL PSYC 4250 3.00 EN Theories and Techniques of Counselling

Category: Elective course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00 and either GL/PSYC 3220 3.00 or GL/PSYC 3230 3.00.

Course credit exclusion: HH/PSYC 4061 3.00; HH/PSYC 4060 3.00.

Calendar Description

This course examines a variety of basic theories of counselling, and approaches to inducing client change. Issues such as client counsellor differences, contextual effects on the counselling relationship and ethical issues will be discussed.

GL PSYC 4260 3.00/6.00 EN Applied Research Practicum

Category: Elective course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisite: Approval from the Department Chair is required.

Note : Open only to honours students in their fourth-year who are enrolled in the Cognitive Neuropsychology Stream.

Calendar Description

Students in this course conduct applied research in a practicum setting. They engage in planning and executing an empirical study (typically using a quasi-experimental design, for example a case study), including data analysis and interpretation.

GL PSYC 4260 3.00/6.00 FR Stage de recherche appliquée

Catégorie: Cours aux choix

Langage d`instruction: Français

Condition préalable : Approbation par le directeur-trice du département.

Remarque : Réservé seulement aux étudiants de 4ème année qui sont inscrits dans la Concentration en neuropsychologie cognitive.

Les étudiants inscrits à ce cours participent à la réalisation d'un projet de recherche en milieu appliqué. Ils s'engagent dans la conceptualisation et l'exécution d'une étude empirique (habituellement utilisant un plan de recherche quasi-expérimental, ex. une étude de cas), et dans l'analyse et l'interprétation de ses résultats.

GL PSYC 4261 3.00 EN Case Studies in Clinical Neuropsychology: A Practicum

Category : Elective

Language of insctruction : English

Prerequisites : GL/PSYC 3550 3.00, GL/PSYC 3555 3.00, GL/PSYC 3670 3.00, GL/PSYC 4530 6.00. Enrolment is by permission of the department.

Note : Open only to honours students in their fourth-year who are enrolled in the Cognitive Neuropsychology Stream.

Calendar Description

This practicum presents advances in diagnosis and treatments of neuropsychological disorders through a series of clinical case studies. Major areas of neuropsychological impairments such as attention, memory, language, visual perception, praxis, executive functions, social behavior, and emotional processing are covered.

GL PSYC 4270 3.00 EN Rehabilitation Psychology

Category: Elective course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2520 3.00 and GL/PSYC 2530 3.00 or the equivalent. Enrolment is by permission of the department.

Calendar Description

Rehabilitation psychology deals with the etiology, assessment and treatment of psychological impairments due to physical injury, chronic disease and other disabling conditions. The course will cover assessment, diagnosis of the impairments, some basic tests (in personality, cognition) and treatment (of mental health).

GL PSYC 4510 3.00 EN Advanced Seminar in Development

Category: Elective course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisites: GL/PSYC 2510 6.00, GL/PSYC 3300 3.00 and either GL/PSYC 3310 3.00 or GL/PSYC 3510 3.00 or the equivalent. Enrolment is by  permission of the department.

Course credit exclusion: HH/PSYC 4010 3.00.

Calendar Description

Major modern theories and research findings related to psychological development are reviewed in depth and opportunities provided for intensive study of topics of contemporary interest.

GL PSYC 4530 6.00 EN Human Neuropsychology

Category: Elective course

Language of instruction: English

Prerequisite: GL/PSYC 3670 3.00.

Course credit exclusion: GL/PSYC 3530 6.00.

Calendar Description

Neuropsychology is concerned with the behavioural expression of brain dysfunction. This course will review the major neuropsychological disorders associated with brain dysfunction and the mechanisms underlying these deficits. Recovery and advances in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment will also be discussed.

GL PSYC 4615 3.00 EN Stories, Minds and Brains

Category: Elective course

Language of instruction: English

Prequisite: GL PSYC/PSYC 2510 6.00.

Cross-listed: GL/NATS 4615 3.00

Calendar description

This seminar examines the cognitive neuroscience of stories - a burgeoning field of study that uses stories as a tool to probe the inner workings of the human mind and brain.

GL PSYC 4669 3.00 EN/FR G21 Passion Project / Projet passion G21

Category: Elective course

Cross-listings: GL/SOSC 4669 3.00, GL/CDNS 4669 3.00, GL/HIST 4669 3.00, GL/LIN 4669 3.00, GL/DRCA 4669 3.00, GL/PHIL 4669 3.00, GL/ILST 4669 3.00.

Language of instruction: English/French

Note: Enrolment by permission of the Multidisciplinary Studies department.

Calendar Description

Short Description

This course provides students an opportunity to work on a research passion project designed in consultation with a faculty mentor. All projects will correspond to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, applying theory to address a real-world problem. NOTES: 1. This course cannot be used to satisfy the general education requirement. 2. Enrollment by permission of the Multidisciplinary Studies department, contact them at mds@glendon.yorku.ca If registering under a cross-listing from another program, permission must be provided by that program as well.

Long Description

This course provides the framework for students to conduct research on a passion project of their choosing, in consultation with a course director and faculty mentor. The projects will apply theory to address a real-world problem. The course director will provide overall direction for all students' projects. Working with the Glendon Research Office and the Experiential Education office, the course director will arrange a series of workshops for students on specific academic skills (e.g., research and presentation skills) and theoretical approaches related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). York University has adopted the SDGs as priority areas in teaching and research. Students will work on their own research project over the two terms, meeting on a bi-weekly basis. Individual Glendon faculty mentors will offer disciplinary expertise to the student they agree to assist in this manner, and they will contribute to assessment of the results, but responsibility for submitting final grades for all students lies with the course director. Students will present their work in a manner suited to their disciplinary focus (e.g. written research paper, poster presentation, podcast, video, and so on), and they will present it at a culminating event at the end of the academic year. This course will run every second week over the fall and winter term (12 weeks in total). Workshops will be in both official languages. Students can participate and conduct their research in the language of their choice.Evaluation scheme: : Project proposal and division of tasks (15%), bi-weekly project log (25%), draft project report (15%), final project presentation (45%).

Degree Types & Program Requirements

Psychology offers the following degree types and certificates: 

  • Specialized Honours BA/iBA 
  • Honours BA/iBA 
  • Honours Double Major BA/iBA 
  • Honours Major/Minor BA/iBA 
  • Bachelor BA/iBA 
  • Specialized Honours BSc/iBSc 
  • Honours BSc/iBSc 
  • Honours Double Major BSc/iBSc 
  • Honours Major/Minor BSc/iBSc 
  • Bachelor BSc/iBSc 

Psychology is available as a bilingual or trilingual international Bachelor of Arts

You may also choose the Cognitive Neuropsychology Stream  designation as part of your BA, iBA and BSc, iBSc Honours in Psychology.  

Students who wish to complete the Cognitive Neuropsychology Stream must declare their intention to do so in their third year when applying for the Honours program. To do so, students must request a change of program, which will allow to add the Cognitive Neuropsychology designation. For more information on the requirements of the cognitive neuropsychology concentration, see the academic calendar of the program.

This program is also available as a Glendon BA, with flexible language requirements.

Book an Appointment with an Academic Advisor

View Academic Calendar for program requirements

Other Program Details

Meet Our Alumni 

Discover the careers some of our alumni have excelled in and find out how their experience at Glendon gave them an advantage in the job market.

Graduates include Sylvain Roy, Clinician at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health's (CAMH) Psychological Rehabilitation Assessment Service.

Jennifer Steeves, Associate Vice-President Research, York University.

Andrew Doody, Occupational therapist at West Park Healthcare Centre.

Ana Janic, a medical student at University of Toronto who will specialized in ophthalmology.

Participate in the York Undergraduate Research Fair 

Many Glendon Psychology students participate at this annual event and win prizes for their work. Check out the past winners to discover amazing projects and get inspired. 

Students on Glendon Campus.

Student Awards 

We want to recognize your academic success and commitment to excellence in the psychology program. Not just a financial boost, awards and scholarships are a wonderful way to show your arduous work on your resumé and university transcript.  

Students on Glendon Campus.

Encouragement bursary for a student in Psychology at Glendon  

This bursary is awarded to a deserving undergraduate student in his/her Year 2, 3 or 4 of study in psychology at Glendon College. 

Students on Glendon Campus.

Ronald Cohen Scholarship 

The Ronald Cohen Scholarship in Psychology is awarded annually to a psychology major with the highest mark in GL PSYC 4240 3.0 Advanced Experimental Design. This award has been established in honour of Ronald Cohen who taught research methodology and other related courses in the Glendon Psychology Department for twenty-five years. 

An exterior shot of Glendon Campus.

Book Prize 

The Departmental Book Prize award is awarded to the graduating Psychology major with the highest-grade point average during their years of study. 

An exterior shot of Glendon Campus.

Bursaries for French-Language Students 

Multiple bursaries are available to encourage French-language students to pursue academic work in psychology. 

Students on Glendon Campus.

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