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Why hire MFAc students?

Our program recognises the different issues employees have been found to struggle with: ethics, transparency, accountability, stakeholder management and governance. As a result of which MFAc Students are taught and developed to critically assess the corporate scandals from a different perspective.

First of all, the MFAc students come from various backgrounds and therefore bring with them a plethora of skill sets that we help develop. Our Master of Financial Accountability programs enhances the skill set of students by challenging them to critically think outside of the box by incorporating a thorough understanding of the following concepts: accountability, transparency, risk management, ethics and governance. They learn to deconstruct each problem and critically analyse the impact of each bottleneck. Consequently, students learn to develop a tailored approach as we have learnt that “one size does not fit all.” Other MBA and Masters program often fail to provide students with all these required skills that employers demand nowadays.

The MFAc Program challenges our students to put themselves in the place of senior executives and board members. We are basically shaping the leaders of tomorrow to understand how they can change a corporation by making more responsible and ethical decisions that will increase the long-term sustainability of the organisation.

Our course structure also provides flexibility to students. Students have the flexibility to do multiple co-ops during their 4 academic terms.

In essence, MFAc Students learn to think as accountable individuals who are dedicated for ensuring the organisation remains responsible and transparent to its different stakeholders and communicate clearly.

For more information regarding the unique features of our program and students, please have a look at the following video: Discover the Master of Financial Accountability (MFAc) Program at York University - YouTube

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