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illustration of brain circuitry on a computer screen

Researchers share how real-life situations advance understanding of brain function

When engaged in real-world actions, the brain must process what we perceive, think and then act on the surrounding environment. In order to execute this, information is combined from our senses and our cognitive and motor signals. Studying how all of this happens, however, can be challenging in terms of understanding the brain and in terms of gathering data in everyday situations—or uncontrolled natural environments.

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Faculties of Science and Health launch undergraduate Neuroscience program

A brain or nervous system illness or injury, including Alzheimer’s, autism, addiction, anxiety, depression, dementia, Parkinson’s, and spinal injury, will affect one in three Canadians in their lifetime. As such, understanding the brain and nervous system to address neurological and mental health disorders is one of the most pressing scientific challenges of our time.

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Seminar Series

First Year Diploma Students

  • Submit 1 or 2 questions based on the assigned article using the Google form by Denise Henriques the Wednesday prior to the seminar
  • Attendance at the "Tea Time" meeting with the Speaker is required on the day of the seminar (Rm. 163, Behavioural Science Building, 1:30 pm)

Where and When

Seminar Location: Norman Endler Seminar Room
Building/Room: Behavioural Science Building, Rm. 163
Day/Time: Usually the 3rd Friday of the month, 2:00 pm

Students will be notified of any change to room locations.

Fri Sept 6th, 2 pm BSB 164
Sarah Johnson (Univ Florida).
Topic: Medial temporal lobe contributions to mnemonic discrimination across the lifespan: insight from a rodent model

Fri Sept 20th, 2 pm BSB 164
Jacqueline Snow (Univ of Nevada). 
Topic: ‘WonkaVision’ and the need for a paradigm shift in vision research

Fri Oct 11, 2 pm BSB 164
Adam Snyder (Rochester Univ).
Topic: Attention is dynamically encoded in the visual cortex

Wed Oct 30, 12:30-2:30pm, Bethune 320 Gallery
Michael Anderson (Western U)
Topic: NGDP/Cognitive science seminar: Neural reuse, dynamics, and constraints: Getting beyond the componential mechanistic explanation of the neural function

September 21 Aarlenne Khan (Depart. Optometry, U Montreal)
Title: Multisensory integration for reach planning and execution

October 26 Jed Meltzer (Rotman Research Institute, University of Toronto)
Title: Transcallosal interaction: Symmetric, asymmetric, healthy, pathological

November 23 Steve Connor (Depart. Biology, York)
Title: Resistance (to Excitation) is Futile: Probing MDGA1 Function in Neural Circuit Regulation

December 7 Frederic Gosselin (Depart. Psychology, U of Montreal)
Topic: Visual processing in perception and recognition.

September 22 Steven Brown (Depart. Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour, McMaster)
Topic: Origins of the vocal brain in humans

October 20 Phil Monahan. (Centre for French & Linguistics, Univ. Toronto Scarborough)
Topic: Speech Sounds on the Brain: Combining Linguistic Theory with Cognitive Neuroscience

November 17 Melissa Holmes (Dept. Psychology, Univ. Toronto Mississauga)
Topic: Neuroendocrinology and plasticity of social phenotype in eusocial mammals **LOCATION: Ian Howard Seminar Room, 1015 Sherman **

December 13* Bruce Lanphear (Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University)
Topic: Neurological impact of environmental exposures on brain health and development.
**LOCATION: Senate Chamber. Note different day.**

CANCELLED: January 19 Jed Meltzer (Rotman Research Institute, University of Toronto)
Topic: Transcallosal interaction: Symmetric, asymmetric, healthy, pathological

February 23 Ingo Fruend (Dept. Psychology, York University)
Topic: Computation and Visual Neuroscience

April 20 Dorota Crawford (Sch. of Kinesiology & Health Science, York University)
Topic: The Neurobiology of Lipids In Autism Spectrum Disorders - From Genes to Behaviour

April 27 Mary Peterson (Cognitive Science Program and Department of Psychology University of Arizona)
Title: Object Perception: Beyond a Feedforward View.

Learn More

The Graduate Diploma in Neuroscience at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.