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Robert Valvasori

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Robert Valvasori


History 2016

From 2012 to 2016, I was enrolled as an Honours BA in Criminology and History. I loved the History portion of my degree, as it gave me the flexibility to explore different multi-dimensional cultural perspectives that interested me the most, which allowed me to open my eyes to new perspectives about the global community.

When entering university, I had thought that I would become a lawyer, however, when completing my undergraduate degree, I found that I had a passion for teaching and learning. This led me to consider a path of higher education through obtaining an MA degree, and hopefully a PhD later, so that I can become a professor.

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Public Administration
Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Honours 2003

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Kashmera Self

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Dario Kosarac

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Sabrina DiNicolantonio

Graduate Program in Public Policy, Administration & Law
Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law (MPPAL) 2017

Sr. Manager, Governance and Controls, Metrolinx
