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Sonia Bagnarol

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Sonia Bagnarol


Director/Special Advisor, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)
Economics, Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Sonia Bagnarol has more than 25 years experience in the financial sector in the areas of Audit & Risk Management, Project Management, Operations, Recruitment, and Talent Management.

Ms. Bagnarol is currently a Director at the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) where she has over 10 years experience in assessing the safety and soundness of financial institutions. In her current role she works closely with the Deputy Superintendent of Supervision to oversee the Supervision Sector to ensure we provide accurate, consistent, and timely risk assessments as they relate to governance, control and overall balance sheet strength as well as capital and liquidity adequacy.

Prior to joining OSFI, Ms. Bagnarol worked at TD Bank Financial Group where she held leadership roles in Retail Banking and Internal Audit for 15 years.

Sonia holds a BA in Economics from York University.

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