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Zack Bhatia

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Zack Bhatia


Director, M&A Tax, Leo Berwick
Commerce, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) 2018

Zack Bhatia advises private equity clients, pension funds, and sovereign wealth funds across the globe on tax aspects of mergers and acquisitions. His practice areas include deep expertise in investments in infrastructure and renewable energy in Canada and the U.S., with a focus on cross-border transactions and complex financing structures.

The incredible professors at York played a critical role in building my knowledge, confidence, and professional skills, all of which have helped shape my success after graduation.

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Rajesh Lachhman



Patricia Farrell

Course Director, York University


Ope Famoroti

Human Resources Management
Bachelor of Human Resources Management (BHRM) 2011

Manager, People Partner, The Body Shop


Christine Martin Bevilacqua

Graduate Program in Human Resource Management
Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) 2010

Chief Administrative Officer, Pet Retail Brands
