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Karl Marx’s Writings on Alienation: A discussion with Marcello Musto and Michael Hardt

Karl Marx’s Writings on Alienation: A discussion with Marcello Musto and Michael Hardt

Join us for a fascinating discussion between Marcello Musto and Michael Hardt to discuss the new groundbreaking anthology on Karl Marx's writings on alienation. 

The theory of alienation occupies a significant place in the work of Marx and has long been considered one of his main contributions to the critique of bourgeois society. Many authors who have written on this concept over the 20th century have erroneously based their interpretations on Marx’s early writings. In this anthology, by contrast, Marcello Musto has concentrated his selection on the most relevant pages of Marx’s later economic works, in which his thoughts on alienation were far more extensive and detailed than those of the early philosophical manuscripts. Additionally, the writings collated in this volume are unique in their presentation of not only Marx’s critique of capitalism, but also his description of communist society. This comprehensive rediscovery of Marx’s ideas on alienation provides an indispensable critical tool for both understanding the past and the critique of contemporary society.

Marcello Musto is a professor of Sociology at York University and is acknowledged globally as one of the authors who has made significant contributions to the revival of Marx studies over the last decade. His major writings comprise Another Marx: Early Manuscripts to the International (Bloomsbury, 2018); and The Last Years of Karl Marx: An Intellectual Biography (Stanford, 2020). Among his edited books there are Workers Unite! The International 150 Years Later (Bloomsbury, 2014); Marx’s Capital after 150 Years: Critique and Alternative to Capitalism, (Routledge, 2019); and The Marx Revival: Key Concepts and New Interpretations (Cambridge, 2020).His writings have been published in 25 languages.

Michael Hardt is a professor of Literature at Duke University, and a political philosopher whose writings explore new forms of domination in the world as well as social movements and other forces of liberation that counter such domination. In the Empire trilogy—Empire (Harvard, 2000), Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire (Penguin, 2004), and Commonwealth (Harvard, 2009)—he and Antonio Negri investigate the political, legal, economic, and social aspects of globalization. Their most recent work, Assembly (Oxford, 2017), challenges social movements having traditional, centralized forms of political leadership and instead advocate a social unionism—a combination of mixing labor organizing with social movements.

Karl Marx's Writings on Alienation (2021), edited and introduced by Marcello Musto, provides the most comprehensive selection on Marx’s conception of alienation. Written in an accessible style, for academic and general readers alike The introduction of the editor represents a critical, comprehensive and updated overview of the numerous interpretations of alienation within Marxist tradition. See here for more details. 

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