The Transdisciplinarity in Rural Wellbeing Portal (TRW) is a collaboration between the Las Nubes Project in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change and the York University Libraries at York University in Canada with the Brandenburg University of Technology in Germany, that connects interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in the context of human and non-human wellbeing in rural environments.
Journal of Transdisciplinarity in Rural Wellbeing (JTRW)
The Journal of Transdisciplinarity in Rural Wellbeing is an open access journal that publishes interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary peer-reviewed research covering all aspects of rurality with particular interest in the area of wellbeing and conviviality.
The journal aims at overcoming current fragmentation in research about the relation between rurality and wellbeing, promoting consistency in pursuing publications that elevate the conversation about rural wellbeing and conviviality across the world.
The journal accepts submissions from a variety of approaches, including but not limited to: rural sociology, rural education, environmental wellness, agronomy, animal studies, rural health, rural geography, science and technology studies, rural psychology, happiness studies, environmental horticulture, environmental humanities, rural design, and other research endeavors that address the topic of wellbeing in (human and non-human) rural environments.
Photo Library Forum Reviews
Rural Wellbeing in Action Student Publication Series Podcast and Video Series