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Research provides new insights on origin, evolution of asteroid Bennu

Research provides new insights on origin, evolution of asteroid Bennu

York University-led research provides new insights on origin and evolution of asteroid Bennu Friday October 9, 2020, TORONTO – Research published in Science Advances, led by Lassonde School of Engineering Professor Michael Daly, provides new insights into the formation of near-Earth asteroid, Bennu, and how it evolved into its present shape. Daly, the lead instrument scientist for Canada’s […]

Research provides new insights on origin, evolution of asteroid Bennu

Research provides new insights on origin, evolution of asteroid Bennu

York University-led research provides new insights on origin and evolution of asteroid Bennu Friday October 9, 2020, TORONTO – Research published in Science Advances, led by Lassonde School of Engineering Professor Michael Daly, provides new insights into the formation of near-Earth asteroid, Bennu, and how it evolved into its present shape. Daly, the lead instrument scientist for Canada’s […]

Night sky a blaze of shooting stars

Night sky a blaze of shooting stars

TORONTO, Monday, Dec. 11, 2017 – Debris from asteroid 3200 Phaethon, whose namesake is the son of Greek sun god Helios, will put on one of the best meteor showers of the year this week, says York University astronomy Professor Paul Delaney of the Faculty of Science. Dust, grit and bits of rock moving at […]