Home » 2016 » February

IP Osgoode Hackathon: Using Simple Language to Solve a Complicated Problem

IP Osgoode recently hosted the Orphan Works Hackathon at Osgoode Hall Law School. Typically, a hackathon brings together professionals from a common field, such as computer programming, and assigns them a complex problem to solve. The organizers of the Orphan Works Hackathon used the same premise but invited a broad spectrum of stakeholders of orphan […]

IP Osgoode Speaks Series featuring Jerry Agar: I Don’t Care About You

Jerry Agar—host of the “Jerry Agar Show” on Newstalk 1010 radio—opened his IP Osgoode Speaks Series talk with an admission that he did not care about us. Following the fleeting moment where he (clearly in jest) cast immediate discouragement onto his own audience, he clarified his statement: the default position for Agar—and media gatekeepers, generally—is […]

Embracing failure: IPOsgoode's Orphan Works Hackathon.

Fail early. Fail often. For lawyers and law students, failure is anathemal; but, in the context of design, failure is a valuable learning tool. For three days starting February 3rd, innovators, law students, and stakeholders in the creative industries descended on Osgoode for IPOsgoode's second annual hackathon.

Thinking Outside the (Legal) Box: IP Osgoode’s Orphan Works Licensing Portal Hackathon

The Event Over the course of three days in early February 2016, IP Osgoode played host to the Orphan Works Licencing Portal Hackathon, a multidisciplinary and international event that resulted in a memorable proposal for an “Orphan Hunter.” While that may sound more like a discarded Stephen King draft than a solution to an important […]

IP Osgoode Speaks Series Video: Jerry Agar

IP Osgoode would like to thank everyone who attended Jerry Agar’s presentation entitled “I Don't Care About You” on January 20, 2016 at Osgoode Hall Law School.  The video-recording of  the presentation is available here.