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Home » Biophysics II (BPHS 4090)

Biophysics II (BPHS 4090)

York University

Fall 2012 - Course Website

Basic Information 

  • Course Description: This course will focus on applications of quantum physics in biology and medicine. Three lectures hours per week and three laboratory hours every other week. One term. Three credits. Prerequisites: SC/BPHS 3090 3.00; SC/PHYS 3040 6.00. 
  • Location & Time: MWF 10:30-11:30 (Norman Bethune College BC 228) AND M 2:30-5:30 (Petrie 108) 
  • Course Syllabus (includes course logistics):  here (pdf) 
  • Lab wiki (note that some of the dates on the wii may be incorrect; refer to the course syllabus of this webpage for the most up to date info) 
  • Instructor:  Christopher Bergevin
    Office: Petrie 240 
    Email: cberge [AT] 
    Office Hours: MWF 11:30-12:30 
    Phone: 416-736-2100 ext.33730 
  • Text  Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology Fourth Edition, by R. Hobbie & B. Roth (Springer) 
    → Via YorkU, you may be able to access the text online here

Updates and useful bits 

  • → The last exam for the class will take place on Friday 12/7/12 (time/location TBD). The exam will only cover material since the last exam. This includes the following topics: x-ray crystallography, spectroscopy, surface plasmon resonance, NMR/MRI, and cochlear mechanics. In addition to the course notes (which should serve as your chief reference), some relevant Hobbie & Roth (4th ed.) chapters include: 18.1-18.5, 18.7-18.9, 18.12. Also for reference, posting some sample problems from 4090 Fall 2011 and their solutionsNote that for this test, you will be allowed to bring a single(-sided) sheet of paper containing any formulae and whatnot you believe will be of practical use. You'll be expected to turn this in with your exam. 
  • HW4: Due 12/3/12 
  • Last day of class is 12/3/12. 
  • HW3: Due 11/23/12 
  • Relevant Hobbie chapters for exam I: 12.1-5, 14.1-2, 14.4, 15.1-7, 15.9-12, 16.9-16.10 (and don't forget topics on anomalous diffusion) 
  • HW2: Due 10/22/12 
  • First exam has been postponed to Monday 10/22 (from 10/19). Study guide/notes will be posted soon...
  • First lab report due Wednesday 10/17 (rather than 10/12)
  • HW1: Due 10/10/12 
  • A few random useful links: 
    • Article with some useful bits on being a graduate student (Snieder et al. 2012)
    • A helpful paper on getting a talk together (Mermin, 1992) 
    • Another helpful paper on getting a talk together (Benka, 2008), though less humorous... 
    • Numerical Recipes in C
    • Wolfram's 'Integral calculator'
    • Some history of NMR (courtesy of Serdyuk et al., 2007) 
    • A potentially useful reference text (Methods in Modern Biophysics, by Nolting) can be found/downloaded here
    • Polya's problem-solving guide
    • course of practical mathematical interest? 

In-Class Notes 

HW Assignments 

  • HW4: Due 12/3/12
  • HW3: Due 11/23/12
  • HW2: Due 10/22/12
  • HW1: Due 10/10/12