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Automated Student Evaluations in C (part 2)

Automated Student Evaluations in C (part 2)

Here's a simple VPL exercise that can grade a simple student-submitted function. The idea is that there are two bash scripts, one for rough work and one for graded evaluation and these scripts will compile the C program, consisting of a main function that calls the student function, passing two integers to it and having […]

Automated student testing in Java (Part 1)

Automated student testing in Java (Part 1)

As with earlier posts for Matlab, I'm putting together a set of exercises for automated student testing in introductory programming classes, but this time for Java. The idea is to integrate this into Virtual Programming Lab or secure lab tests. In a future post I'll do a VPL version of this, but for now this […]

YorkU's "ID on a Cell Phone" vs. Final Exams

YorkU's "ID on a Cell Phone" vs. Final Exams

On August 4, 2023 the YorkU community was told that just days earlier the whole University, including students, was no longer requiring physical identification cards: "As of July 31, all incoming students to York University will receive their YU-card digitally" By "digitally" we mean having identification information on a cell phone or "smart watch" similar, […]

Automated Student Evaluations in C (Part 1)

Automated Student Evaluations in C (Part 1)

As with the Matlab and Java versions of this, I'm working on creating a set of C language exercises that can be assigned to students in an automated way, like on eClass (Moodle) using Virtual Programming Lab or the "lab test mode" that we use in the EECS department at York University. Here, I'm focusing […]

Automated student testing of Matlab code, Part 3

Automated student testing of Matlab code, Part 3

The assessment of student learning in the formative stage of a university programming class has become very challenging for a number of reasons: the pandemic has generally disrupted learning processes at the elementary and high school levels Prior to the pandemic, reading and note-taking habits had changed, possibly making them less effective. IDE-specific tools catch […]

It's time to watermark material on eClass

It's time to watermark material on eClass

One of my teaching assistants uploaded my instructional material to Course Hero without my permission. It didn't take me long to figure out who it was. I only had a handful of TAs and the TA used their university user ID as their Course Hero login. When I confronted the TA about it, the TA […]

Bad Submarine Design

Bad Submarine Design

The Titan submarine was officially declared destroyed yesterday, and everyone aboard it dead, not far from the wreck of the Titanic. In the days, months and years to come, scientists, engineers and journalists will comb through documents and videos to determine what went wrong and who should be blamed for the tragedy. A number of […]