Neuroscience – the study of nervous system function – aims to explain the biological basis of human behaviour in health and disease. One in three Canadians will experience a brain-related health disorder. The Centre for Integrative and Applied Neuroscience (CIAN) at York University is a university-wide Organized Research Unit that brings together world-class scientists, trainees, community partners, and state-of-the-art facilities to address health, education, industry, and other applications important for the global community.
CAN-ACN Satellite Symposium: New Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience
York University, Keele campus

On September 13th, Prof. Jeff Schall gave the first CIAN seminar of the year. His talk, "A Survey of Law and Neuroscience," a fascinating tour of his co-authored book, Law and Neuroscience, captivated a full room of almost one hundred people.
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Professor Shayna Rosenbaum, interim director of the Centre for Integrative and Applied Neuroscience, was one of three researchers to receive the Faculty of Health Dean's Award for Research, which recognizes outstanding research contributions. Dr. Rosenbaum's research has produced significant findings on the hippocampal memory system and age-related disease.
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Doug Crawford met with MP Valerie Bradford, Chair of the Standing Committee on Science and Research, at a CBRS event.
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Four York University graduate students were recognized with Personnel Awards for Black Scholars for their work and research in heart and brain health.
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Sherman Health Science Centre Expansion, including a new, two-storey, state-of-the-art Neuroscience Laboratory and Research Building, will advance research and innovation while providing students with experiential education opportunities.
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York University leads $318.4M groundbreaking inclusive Connected Minds: Neural and Machine Systems for a Healthy, Just Society research initiative to ensure technology revolution leaves no one behind.
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York University's Connected Minds project and the Weaver Chair in Law, Brain, and Behavior at Vanderbilt University, hosted a meeting to establish bridges between the communities of scientists and scholars exploring the intersection of law and neuroscience.
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