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The ISAAC Group in Pseudo-Differential Operators (IGPDO) consists of a cluster of enthusiastic mathematical scientists from graduate students to young doctorates and experienced mathematicians who are devoted to the discipline. The group is operational within the infrastructure of the International Society for Analysis, Applications and Computation (ISAAC) ( While maintaining close contact and interacting with all areas of analysis well represented by ISAAC, the focus of IGPDO is to channel the energy and resources in order to develop and promote the mathematics that bears on the mathematical analysis of pseudo-differential operators and related topics. It is envisaged that the activities of IGPDO be broad and flexible enough to absorb new developments in mainstream mathematics. Of particular interest to IGPDO are pseudo-differential operators, partial differential equations, real and complex analysis, functional analysis, operator theory and operator algebras, microlocal analysis, quantization, time-frequency analysis, wavelets and harmonic analysis, probability and stochastic analysis.

Operating within the infrastructure of ISAAC, IGPDO benefits from the breadth and scope of the scientific interests in ISAAC. Membership in IGPDO is open to all ISAAC members recommended by a core member of IGPDO.


Ryuichi AshinoOsaka Kyoiku University, Japan
Paolo BoggiattoUniversità di Torino, Italy
Chikh Bouzar Université d' Oran-Essenia, Algeria
Ernesto BuzanoUniversità di Torino, Italy
Viorel CatanăUniversity Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Leon CohenCity University of New York, Hunter College, U.S.A.
Aparajita DasguptaIIT Delhi, India.
Xiaoxi DuanYork University, Canada
Kenro FurutaniTokyo University of Science, Japan
Lorenzo GalleaniPolitecnico di Torino, Italy
Claudia GarettoLoughborough University, E ngland
Peter C. GibsonYork University, Canada
Bernhard GramschUniversität Mainz, Germany
Geni GupurXinjiang University, China
Gohar HarutyunyanUniversität Oldenburg, Germany
Takeshi MandaiOsaka Electro-Communication University, Japan
Alip MohammedPetroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Sha hla MolahajlooIns titute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran
Akira MorimotoOsaka Kyoiku University, Japan
Michael OberguggenbergerUniversity of Innsbruck, Austria
Alessandro OliaroUniversità di Torino, Italy
Stevan PilipovićUniversity of Novi Sad, Serbia
Luigi RodinoUniversità di Torino, Italy
Michael RuzhanskyGhent University, Belgium.
Bert-Wolfgang SchulzeUniversität Potsdam, Germany
Mitsuru SugimotoNagoya University, Japan
Joachim ToftLinnaeus University, Sweden
Ville TurunenAalto University, Finland
Tomio UmedaUniversity of Hyogo, Japan
M. W. Wong (Founder)York University, Canada
Hongmei ZhuYork University, Canada