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Gearing up for the new solution for Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships

Gearing up for the new solution for Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships

York University is revamping how students can access financial aid, awards and scholarships through a new online solution. It will also transform how staff and faculty do their work by simplifying the process to review and distribute awards – all in one place. As part of York's Student Systems Renewal Program (SSRP), this solution is […]

Introducing York’s brand-new solution for Financial Aid, Awards, Scholarships and Graduate Funding

Introducing York’s brand-new solution for Financial Aid, Awards, Scholarships and Graduate Funding

Many of York’s students access some form of government student aid, and as of October 2022, there are more than 1,900 active awards, scholarships, prizes and bursaries currently being offered. But whether you’re a student, or a member of faculty or staff, you may find the processes for accessing and reviewing these options tend to […]