The Youth Climate Report (YCR) will be present at COP28 in Dubai from 30 November to 8 December 2023. The following films are scheduled for presentation (all times in Dubai time):
- The Planetary Heath Film Lab 2023: Belize Edition. Six films made by Indigenous youth from Belize will be screened at three events at COP28. The first is at a press conference on 1 December at 10:00 am, PC Room 2, Blue Zone. The second event is 7 December, 3:00 pm at the Future Mobility Hub, Dubai Multi Commodities Centre. And the last event is at a joint panel discussion hosted by YCR and EcoSpectrum on 8 December, 11:30 am, SE Room 2, Blue Zone.
- The Ghana Youth Videography Programme 2023. Eleven films made by Ghanaian Indigenous youth will be presented at three events at COP28: The first is at a press conference on 1 December at 9:00 am, PC Room 2, Blue Zone. The second is at the Global Youth Coalition Side Event on 3 December at 5:15 pm in the Entertainment + Culture Pavilion. And the third is at a joint panel discussion hosted by YCR and EcoSpectrum on 8 December, 11:30 am, SE Room 2, Blue Zone.
- Turning Tides: Sustainability Measures for Shark Conservation. Drawing from all 17 Sustainable Development Goals, recent York Masters graduate Vivian Guido looks at the impacts of plastic waste and climate change on the oceans' shark populations. A trailer for the film will be screened at the YCR press conference on 1 December at 10:00 am, PC Room 2, Blue Zone. A second screening will take place on 30 November at 2 pm at the Canada Pavilion in the Blue Zone.
- A Faithful Commitment to Sustainability. This documentary short takes a faith-based approach to sustainability in a Muslim community in Vaughan, Ontario. Made by York University PhD candidate Peyman Naeemi, the film will premiere at a screening at the Canada Pavilion on 11 December at 9 am.
Please reach out at ycrtv1@gmail.com if you plan to attend and wish to meet.