First Canadian UN leadership training centre opening at York

Pictured here: Idil Boran (left) and Ali Asgary (right)

At York University, we believe the best way to tackle challenges is by coming together to deal with them head-on. And no challenge is more pressing, here in Canada and around the world, than climate change.   

As part of our commitment to build a more socially, economically and environmentally sustainable world, together with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), York announced in June 2021 that it would be home to Canada’s first Centre International de Formation des Acteurs Locaux(CIFAL). 

CIFAL Centres provide innovative training around the world and serve as hubs for the exchange of knowledge among government officials, the private sector, academia and society. 

This new partnership with UNITAR recognizes York’s leadership in advancing fundamental and applied research, innovation and ability to work across traditional boundaries in pioneering new approaches to meet society’s most urgent demands. 

CIFAL York will be uniquely positioned to help achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals around emergency and disaster management, diversity and inclusion, economic development, health and entrepreneurship. CIFAL York will be a catalyst for positive change and extend York’s global reach even further. 

“The world is facing complex global problems – from the climate crisis to inequality to rapid technological change to the pandemic – that call for collaboration across sectors and across countries to solve,” says Rhonda Lenton, York’s president and vice-chancellor. “The creation of this CIFAL Centre, in partnership with UNITAR, will enable us to bring leaders from governments, not-for-profits and industry together with researchers and educators to share experiences and expertise, and to train new generations of global leaders.” 

“York University’s outsized reputation made it an obvious choice when the United Nations, through UNITAR, started thinking of partnering with an academic institution in Canada to share knowledge and best practices,” said Nikhil Seth, UN assistant secretary-general and executive director of UNITAR. “I count academic institutions as one of UNITAR’s most indispensable allies, without whom we cannot hope to achieve the 2030 Agenda.” 

York also appointed Professor Ali Asgary as the new director of CIFAL York. In collaboration with the associate director, Associate Professor Idil Boran, the important work of establishing strategic partnerships to advance the vision began June 1, 2021. 

In addition, CIFAL York will provide a platform for dialogue and a forum for the development of new ideas by providing public servants, decision-makers and academics with new learning opportunities to facilitate knowledge sharing and improve decision-making processes. “In welcoming a CIFAL Centre to York University, we are further expanding collaborative opportunities between all levels of government, international organizations, the business community and the public sector to continue building strong, caring, safe communities where everyone can develop to their full potential,” said Wayne Emmerson, York Region Chair and CEO. 

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