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York alumna for captain

She’s one of our grads and she’s been honoured in Greece.... Former York University field hockey player Mary Kambouris (BA ''01), also an OUA All-Star in 1998 and 2000 for the Yeowomen, has been named captain of the Greek National Field Hockey team. This team will compete in the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.

Kambouris and hundreds of field hockey players of Greek heritage from around the world sent resumes to the Hellenic Hockey Federation for a chance to compete for a position on the Greek team. As host country for the 2004 Olympics, Greece was awarded an automatic birth in the field hockey competition.

Kambouris, whose parents were born in Greece, is the only Canadian on the team. "It hasn''t hit me yet," she said Kambouris. "I''m so proud to have the opportunity to play for my parents’ country."

For more details on Kambouris visit the York University Sports at

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