York U physics students join prestigious research program in Europe
Five York U students were selected to participate in an esteemed international research program at the renowned Goethe University in Germany.
Five York U students were selected to participate in an esteemed international research program at the renowned Goethe University in Germany.
A class run by Professor Shital Desai empowers students to create electronic devices with potential real-world impact.
A professor in the Lassonde School of Engineering is advancing new ways to learn through a program that teaches undergraduate students how to fly drones through virtual reality.
Psychology Professor Jodi Martin is pursuing a program that will help undergraduate psychology students – and maybe, eventually, students in other fields – better understand their post-graduation career options.
Chers membres de la communauté étudiante et collègues, Tout en nous tournant vers l’année à venir, nous devons aussi nous pencher sur l’année passée. Si l’année universitaire 2023-2024 a connu des moments forts et heureux, son souvenir est également marqué par l’escalade dévastatrice de la violence et de la souffrance en Israël et en Palestine. Les […]
With York University students, staff and faculty back on campuses following the usual summertime slowdown, a renewed sense of energy and excitement is in the air.
From powerful plays to innovative choreography, students from the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design (AMPD) are preparing to captivate and inspire audiences this year.
In a message to the community, President and Vice-Chancellor Rhonda L. Lenton reaffirms York University’s commitment to a community-centered approach to open and respectful dialogue during challenge times.
Chers membres de la communauté de York, Nous reconnaissons que les conflits et les crises qui ont lieu au niveau local et mondial continuent d’avoir un impact sur de nombreux membres de la communauté, et ce, de différentes manières. L’année passée a été particulièrement difficile pour les personnes ayant des liens communautaires et familiaux avec […]
York University community members are encouraged to adopt measures to help keep campus spaces as pest-free as possible.